Yurizan Beltran’s first Hardcore Scene!

Sweet Yurizan sure grew up! To any one of us who have followed her career from busty flasher, to posing nude, to doing dildo’s, to doing other busty babes, it’s not a surprise that she would eventually take the plunge into hardcore!! Well, that day has finally arrived and even if I expected it to happen, it’s still AWESOME! Here you go, enjoy the very first time busty Yurizan takes on a dick on camera.

You can view a free trailer of the scene: here

Pictures from: Yuri Luv

Yurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcore

See Yurizan doing girls and boys at Yuri Luv!

Yurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcoreYurizan Beltran hardcore

21 thoughts on “Yurizan Beltran’s first Hardcore Scene!”

  1. She is too skinny now and her tits shrink too much!
    Thats not sexy!
    Too bad she looked so much better before!

  2. she had no choice, her career was down the crapper. that, and and im assuming her new site “yuriluv” which is a play on words (yuri is basically a term in anime/manga for girl/girl love) that involves a lot of porn stars wasnt gonna have her be the only one not getting up the back hole.

    all in all, im surprised it took this long for her to do it, i pegged her doing hardcore many years ago. as i figured maggie green would…and eventually did. although, it turned out maggie green actually first did a hardcore scene before becoming a glamor model.

  3. Her tits were always kind of fucked up but now she’s skinny they look hideous. Shame cos the rest of her is really hot.

  4. Her tits now look disgusting, because they are fake, and now that she has lost weight it is harder for her to lie about it.

  5. oh shit, i thought you meant natural titties. im figuring she lost a lot of weight, her tits got small and she got implants. but it really doesnt look like implants to me, thats just a theory. i think shes just older than we all think she is. i dont know…dont care either. shes trash in my opinion.

  6. Watch the video, there are tell tale signs. She has scars under her tits, when she moves them, they move as one chunk. Also there is dimpling that implants have.

  7. If you like Videos where the POP SHOT ends up on her Neck, go for it.

    I was disappointed. It was shot poorly despite having multiple cameras going. It was poorly lit. Especially the Pop shot. Bad angle, Bad lighting, Bad Pop shot. Which is a shame because the Load was fairly huge. It s a shame it was wasted on her Neck and not her Face or Boobs. She did get some in her mouth, but when compared to the Neck, not worth it.

    I hope she shoot for a real company soon. I would love to see her in a video made by people that know what they are doing. She deserves it. and we deserve to see it.

  8. Definitely implants. Pics 7,8 and 11 show implants quite clearly.

    Likely she had implants before, but her extra fat covered up the signs. It looks like here that she has lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time (probably in prep for a hardcore video).

    But the pic of her on her back is obvious. Boobs don’t stay round like that when a woman lays back unless they are fake.

  9. Oh and yeah, fake tits can deflate and appear smaller when a woman loses weight.
    She loses fat around the implant, and therefore the boob’s mass is reduced. The implant may stay the same size but the padding around it is gone.

    WTF? Where do some of you get your information?

  10. Apparently she had a reduction/reshaping (I think she mentioned it herself). Take that for what it’s worth.

  11. Not from you Xan. Not from you!
    You don’t know shit about anything!

    Oh except how to talk shit on the internet…which you probably learned from the other kids in your school.
    Who the F thinks tits with implants can’t get smaller? WTF? Ever seen an anorexic with implants? It happens all the time!

  12. She has implants, that is painfully aware, if they were placed Subpectoral or Submuscular the weight loss would not be nearly as noticable. But Subglandular implants give you the tennis ball in the nylon look when you’re on your knees. You can tell where the implant is by watching what part of the breast jiggles doggystyle. These would swing back and forth, under the muscle implants, the only REAL movement would be by the nipple like loose skin over a bowling ball.

    Unfortunately loosing weight has a huge effect on your implants and one of the main questions your physician will discuss with you during your consultation, weight fluctuation and so forth. She needs to either gain some weight, or get a different implant and a breast lift.


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