11 comments on “Yurizan Beltran At The Beach”

  1. Achi says:

    I love her too!

  2. Danny says:


  3. Pete says:

    Nice tits, shame about the boatrace

  4. gary says:

    now that is a bikini body

  5. BodyJudge says:

    Not feeling her like you all are. She could be tighter she’s a tad sloppy looking in the midsection IMO, the booty isn’t the best and pic # 8 is a disaster. One tit wants to go to the ground while the other points straight ahead? Bad boob job?

    The face is solid but her smile is a bit rough.

    That’s not to say I wouldn’t hit it, I think she is about a 8 out of 10 but definitely flawed.

  6. Phil says:

    Holy shit, strong e-standards, bodyjudge. As far as that bad boob job comment goes, shes natural.

  7. Tsel26 says:

    I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

  8. Edward says:

    You’ll have to trust me on this, based on my experience: This girl will pack on about 50 pounds in the next few years. For today, I’d do her, because I can guarantee that she’d be screaming hot and you’d never get the tuna smell out of the mattress.

    Jus’ sayin’…..

  9. mark says:

    fuck shes hot
    i’d fuck her

  10. boob man says:

    These boobs have seen the scalpel. I’ve seen other pics where you can see the scars.

    These are what I call hybrid. big boobs but with extra plastic padding

  11. LEFTY says:

    Bodyjudge must love them stick figure women. Me, thick girls are my thing. Yurizan is the perfect example of thick girls. Hey Edward, I don’t think “Yuri” would be stupid enough to let herself go the way you think she will. Why don’t you just wish for it to happen? That’s how it sounds. 8==>

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