Your Comments

Hi. All comments from December 18h and forward has been deleted. This was due to a hack which forced me to go back to an old backup of the site. I have restored all the posts but the comments unfortunately was lost in the fire (stay safe Australia). I’d say sorry but the guys who should apologize are the hacker cunts. Fuck you hacker cunts. Wasting everyone’s fucking time. I could be watching the Leafs lose right now instead of typing this.


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16 comments on “Your Comments”

  1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

    Glad you’re back. I thought I fell into a time warp or something. Now I’m just wondering exactly WHAT IN THE FUCK IS TO BE GAINED BY HACKING THIS SITE?????????? Tit pictures? Our useless drivel comments? Anyway, No apology needed. Kudos for once again correcting the problem quickly, and hopefully getting everything back to normal.

    1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

      P.S. It could be worse. You could be watching the Blackhawks. Talk about a waste of time.

      1. Niklas says:

        yeah but all those cups gets you no sympathy 🙂

        1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

          Ancient history. Pee-wee league coach negates it. Star players gettin’ older & slower as we speak.

  2. Amerifag says:

    Fuck the hackers, fuck Celeb Jihad, and long live Niklas’s boobies.

  3. Deewok says:

    I can understand why you would as we writexsuch perils if wisdom..🤷‍♂️😜👍

  4. Barry Macockinner says:

    Thanks for the good wishes for Australia ol’ mate. In thanks we have sent a smoking hot topless model round to your place with a 24 pack of beer, a scented lavender candle, and a plunger.

    1. Niklas says:

      Thanks! I assume the plunger is to check her pussy for deadly spiders, venomous snakes and crocs right?

  5. CygnusX1 says:

    Goddamn hackers.
    Glad you’re back up Nik, and no apologies required.

  6. Grimefork says:

    What happened ?

  7. bob says:

    @Iron Balls McGinty

    I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. Great comments btw.

    Yep, glad the site is back up and running.

  8. Anon says:

    Nothing of value was lost, most of the comments are “this whore is hot” “this whore is ugly”

  9. Emil says:

    Could be worse, you could think you’re French like they do in Quebec!

    1. deewok says:

      French are ok…just avoid Paris..
      Shit taste in music tho and generally from my observations…no very busty

  10. Matt Superhorny says:

    Damn hackers! Also thanks for the good wishes for Australia, I’m safe here.

  11. derp says:

    Seems sad loser mike survived.

    For now.

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