16 thoughts on “Yorgelis Carrillo Boob Job!”

  1. Holy crap….that’s just awful! As if the ink wasn’t bad enough, why on earth would a woman do THAT to an amazing set of naturals! *facepalm*

  2. Never heard of her before but WHY? Talk about bizarre choices. By the marks on the skin looks like lift/reduction followed by implants. LDM and Rachel Raxx are the only other names i can think of that followed the same path.

  3. The only possibility i can think of is some medical necessity. That she had to have the tissue removed.
    For her sake, if that’s the reason, i hope it worked and it all works out for her.

  4. I think they were fake before, but were exceptionally well done. If you look closely you can see an anchor scar at the bottom of the areolas. But yes, the new tits are atrocious.

    All I can figure is her former fake tits had “expired” (fake tits have a shelf life) or she had an incident where one or both implants popped and she had to do something…and then she ruined them.

    • Really? They looked 100% natural before. I don’t believe they were fake before the latest op. They looked and moved perfectly naturally. Hard to believe she would have a world-class surgeon make those, and then downgrade to a useless surgeon after she had made all that money.

  5. Cmon man…what a bullshit. They were 100% real. Everyone can see that. I dont know in which scene you think you have seen a scar, but I would bet thousends of euros they were real. I just saw what happened to her and I am spechles. I can not imagin she could have been this fucking stupid to fuck up her breasts like this without any need. I guess she was in some pre cancer stadium. Such a pitty

  6. Based on the tattoo on her lower stomach, I think she was pregnant and got a C Section. Her boobs probably deflated a bit after the pregnancy, similar to Ava Addams, so she got work done.

  7. It’s becoming a trend where the girls with the most perfect natural tits get them destroyed by either fake ones or reductions…


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