If lasts week episode of TLC’s My Strange Addiction featuring the guy who has sex with his car wasn’t enough to get you to watch the show then maybe Sunday’s new episode of Sheyla Hershey and her obsession with big boobs will?
I posted about her record-breaking implants back in 2008 but if you weren’t with me back then here’s an update: So far she’s had 22 breast enlargement surgeries, costing $250,000 which has given her a 38KKK bust size! It doesn’t look like she is planning to stop any time soon. Here’s a trailer for Sunday’s episode:
OK, so she (and others) claim that she has or had the world’s largest breast implants. (And I think it might have been “verified” by Guinness.) How can that be? She’s obviously WAY smaller than Minka, Maxi Mounds, and Beshine.
Also, where does she get the money for all of these surgeries?
I’m not sure. Maybe those women already had large natural boobs so the actual implant used in Sheyla is the biggest, not the actual bust size.
I believe she now has lost it all since last year as another enlargement went sour and due to infection they were forced to remove them.
First time I saw some of her pics I thought ‘wow, hot’, but the more I hear the more it appears that she has deep self-esteem issues and maybe a surgical addiction. You could argue that a few women who get such super-size breasts share similar issues but Sheyla’s always seem to be jumping into your face: more surgery even after recovering from a coma, drunken video rants, and in the last few days some kind of car crash. Starting to wish someone would just help her find an iota of peace.
wise words clemofski, she clearly does need some help or she will keep going until her boobs quite literally burst. Jordan whom had huge boobs had to reduce them because he skin was starting to strain the older she got that it was really dangerous. The back problems as well this women gonna have too will be pretty intense.
She wasn’t drinkingClemofski. She was just playing around. She may have a self-esteem issue but atleast she doesn’t talk bad about people she doesn’t know. Get your facts straight.
I think she falls into the category of “inappropriate attention seeking”.
From the wiki
The following styles of attention seeking have been identified:[2]
Extroverted positive overt style – associated with narcissism, bragging and boasting. May also include shocking exhibitionist behavior such as streaking.
Extroverted positive subdued style – similar but more subtle such as wearing designer clothes, wearing sexy clothes or dominating the conversation.
Extroverted negative overt style – to gain pity and reassurance.
Extroverted negative subdued style – making a negative statement to the world by, for example, dressing in an unusual style.
[edit] In different pathologies or contexts
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Münchausen by Internet
Münchausen syndrome
Münchausen syndrome by proxy
Personality disorders – A sustained pattern of attention seeking in adults is often associated with, in particular, histrionic personality disorder – but it may instead be associated with narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder.[3] The expression drama queen is associated with histrionic behavior.
Self-destructive behavior – It is a common misconception that self-destructive behavior is inherently attention seeking, or at least that attention is a primary motive. While this is undoubtedly true in some cases, normally the motivation runs much deeper than that. Many self-injurers are very self-conscious of their wounds and scars and feel guilty about their behavior leading them to go to great lengths to conceal their behavior from others.[4]
Voluntary false confession
I’m willing to dismiss the rants as attention seeking rather than authentic but I don’t think I’m being otherwise unfair as about half the world have self-esteem issues ( myself included! ) and I was just as complicit in encouraging her obsession by downloading and perving over her photos. So I’m far from virtuous but the situation feels like it’s getting out of control now, surely there’s no way this can end well for her?
Does make you wonder, before the internet Sheyla’s obsession probably would’ve fizzled out with support from friends and family, but these days someone like her has an army of faceless admirers encouraging her to the next cup size as they’re far removed from any negative consequences.
Minka and those other women have polypropylene string breast implants where the liquid inside is from an irritation of the pocket
Sheyla has normal silicone implants. Also, looking at her wikipedia I think she only got the Guiness for Brazil