Wendy4 Topless in Pasties!

I know, two Wendy4 posts so close together.. BUT, I couldn’t resist posting these pics because I think this is the best unobtrusive view we’ve ever gotten of Wendy’s magnificent boobs! All she is wearing is heart-shaped pasties so if you want to have some fun.. all you have to do is fill in the top of the heart and you got circles.. nipples are made of circles!

Thanks to “Me” for the tip!

Pictures from: Wendy4

Wendy4 toplessWendy4 toplessWendy4 toplessWendy4 toplessWendy4 toplessWendy4 toplessWendy4 toplessWendy4 topless

18 thoughts on “Wendy4 Topless in Pasties!”

  1. Hate the duck lips, and I’m convinced those nipples are covered to hide scars … she just doesn’t do it for me.

  2. yeah I think it’s just taken their designer guy this long to get good enough at photoshopping her tits so now they can finally start doing stuff like this.

    The conspiracy grows. Sadly I cannot say the same for my cack.

  3. About fucking time… Not that they are fantastic tits or anything, more of a freak show really. She’s still overrated.

  4. I don’t know what everyone’s complaining about.

    I’d fuck her.

    Plus they’re totally real. Hand bras lie, but nipple tassels don’t.

  5. You know. I have to agree with Tits Magee. For some reason I was expecting more of a “wow, nice set”. And really, they’re nice and all, but nothing spectacular. I’m not sure what her hang up is about showing her areola, but I’m left unimpressed over all. 5 out of 10.

  6. You are all crazy. That is a very nice natural rack, especially being that large. I would love to have those to play with all the time.

  7. So now what, 6 months of varying kinds of tassels? Already wrote this chick off with the Milani’s and Carver’s of the world.

  8. I usually pass over wendy 4 pics these days, but it looks like her left areola is peeking out of the indent of the heart pasty in the last pic. Could be glue or tape or something…just sayin

  9. Can we stop being so negative about her? She’s beautiful! Enjoy what she has to offer and be thankful that she’s showing most of her body to you.

  10. Whoa… Nobody said they wouldn’t hit it. Hell, I’d bang her like a Chinese gong. It’s just that she doesn’t live up to the hype.


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