Wendy4 in a Hooded Swimsuit

I know she has her detractors but if you’re a boob lover you have no choice but appreciate these photos of Wendy4 in a hooded swimsuit! I want her to go topless too but with that said, as long as I get side-boob shots like the one in this set I’m pretty damn happy!

Pictures from: Wendy4

Wendy4 in a swimsuitWendy4 in a swimsuitWendy4 in a swimsuitWendy4 in a swimsuitWendy4 in a swimsuitWendy4 in a swimsuit

11 thoughts on “Wendy4 in a Hooded Swimsuit”

  1. She looks absolutely smoking! I hate to say it but if this is as good as it gets why pay for the site access when you get more of the same? Thoroughly confused about the swimsuit hood but I won’t let it distract me too much 🙂


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