Wendy Fiore is a Dan Bilzerian Whore Now!

Dan Bilzerian is a trust fund guy who has become famous on Instagram for posting pictures of his lavish lifestyle. He always has a lot of girls around him in the photos like Instagram models, porn stars, Playboy girls etc.

One of the girls, as it turns out, is none other than former boob model Wendy Fiore! No idea what Wendy is doing these days besides running a terrible website, but I guess she’s resorted to being eye candy and having her her titties grabbed for a rich guy.

11 thoughts on “Wendy Fiore is a <em>Dan Bilzerian</em> Whore Now!”

  1. Just shows that every woman has her price.
    I only wish my father sat me down when I was a young lad and said, “Son, kill whoever you have to kill to become a hedge fund manager.”
    Market goes up, they make lots of money.
    Market stays the same, they make money.
    Market goes down, they make slightly less money.

  2. The guy has had like three drug overdoses and pretty much failed at everything besides getting a lot of Instagram followers.

    Sure. I’d love to be rich and do nothing all day but something tells me this guy isn’t enjoying life as much as his Instagram shows.

  3. Always knew Wendy was a whore. Just feel sad I cant pay for her “services”. Would be amazing to play with those huge udders! Being poor sucks…

  4. There are a lot of stories out there about how he pays all these girls to hang out for pics and stuff. And if anyone is wondering, he did nothing to earn any of that money. Its all from his dad. Apparently he also pays random strangers to borrow things like surf boards and the like for all his “cool” action shots on IG. From all accounts guy is the biggest douche in the world, albeit a very very rich one who gets hang out and bang all kinds of hot skanky women.

  5. why do you have to lash out and calle her a whore, as far as i can tell shes never appeared naked, just hinted at it

    she is also on instagram- for they person who said they arent sure what shes up to

    sad little men who lash out at her, just cause youll never have her or even be able to “pay for her services”
    what a douche comments from you people

  6. Not at all surprising. The only talent she has demonstrated is the ability to be born with huge tits. Her tease got old years ago. I still don’t understand how she has a website with paid membership, but doesn’t even go topless. Utterly ridiculous! She’s gotta find some way to put dem titties to work. Because her current methods can’t be working that well.

  7. noun
    1. A woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse or activity, usually for money or gifts; prostitute; harlot; strumpet.

    The term seems appropriately used in this situation.

  8. J, probably because it seems pretty like she fucks for money. From her earliest days working in a club, which she describes as a bad time and photos of which show her falling all over innumerable men to the persistent rumours about the video of an escort. Try not to be so wrong all the time.

  9. She has beady eyes, a weird dimple chin, and has a weird forced smile. Looks like an ugly version of Sandra Bullock in the face with massive boobs.

  10. Wendy has a big stomach, uses photoshop on her photos, and uses AI on her videos. I saw this posted online.


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