15 thoughts on “Wear Your Mask PSAs!”

  1. Nice tits, fuck you and your masks. They are proven to not work and are just as fucking useless and retarded as every cocksucker fucking piece of shit Democrat, liberal, BLM, and Antifa fuckers that all need to be drug out in the street and fucking executed. Any of you fuckers that support any of those anti America faggot ass groups should go hang terminate yourselves. You are everything that this nation hates and wants to exterminate. Fuck every single one of those people and groups.

    • I was hoping for a comment like this, I love that it takes a porn blog for people to show their true scared / ignorant faces. Isn’t it funny how EVERY educated, experienced scientist / official out there is recommending you wear a mask but old Joe here thinks he knows better (not to mention cursing out literally 50% of the country because they happen to have a different political opinion than his)

      Masks DO work, please wear them. And Niklas – maybe Joe’s message needs to be deleted for the greater good. Just a thought.

      • Cursing out 50%??????? NEVER! It’s always 90% or better from everybody’s pal Joe. BTW, any of you mooks realize that the camera never goes high enough to see if she’s wearing one? Just sayin’.

      • Listening to “them” is your first problem. Use common sense. We don’t “wear masks” in America. We are strong and brave. Not scared. Some (if not most) of us don’t believe it’s really a problem. There are lots of virus’s. Not wearing a mask for any of them. Didn’t wear condoms for STD’s either. I’m fine on both accounts…

        Haven’t worn a mask once and have pool parties everyday at my house. Nobody here has it and even if we did, we don’t care. YOU’RE problem, is you believe in being told what to do by “those who they tell you are important”….

        Stop listening to the media and you’l be fine…

      • And BTW, it’s not about Covid. It’s hilarious you think they care enough about people to tell them to protect themselves. They don’t.

        The masks are about China and anyone who knows what’s going on understands that. Hollywood and our Government sold us to China 5 years ago….This is just social conditioning to make us socialists like them. Some of us refuse…

        These “wear a mask” PSA’s are just that. Chinese propaganda. Most of us know.this but those of you with no real talents and are obsessed with social media don’t get it….You will.

    • Darwinism in action. Only Americans could be such fucking idiots about something proven to reduce the spread of a potentially deadly disease.
      Hey, dumbfuck – a mask helps contain the spray of spit from your stupid mouth…like when you go on a rant.

    • LOL Joe you knuckle dragging confederate flag waving Trump lovers keep on killing your fellow countrymen with this BS … just know that the entire world is watching and mocking you. You are literally dying out from your own stupidity.

  2. Obama. If you spent more time reading and less time proselytizing for your socialist commie asshole fuck face friends, you’d read that most of the science community is divided on the subject, with most government acknowledging that masks worn by the general public. ARE NOT MEDICAL DEVICES AND THEREFORE ARE UNREGULATED. For fucks sake you really think something made of the same shit in your shirt is going to keep you from catching Covid…or anything else for that matter? How stupid are you? My dog has more brains than you apparently.
    A covid virus is .0125 microns. Even an N95 masks only filters down to 95 FUCKING Microns.
    The only “filter” that works, is a complete closed air respiration system with an independent air supply. See a lot of people wandering around in hazmat suits lately? No?

    The only way to NOT get Covid is social distancing practices, a proper closed loop respiration system or a vaccine. That’s all. Nothing else will work…

    So cram your misinformation up your cornhole you fucking idiot.

    I’m fucking sick of all of you do gooders assholes who really can’t tell their asshole from their elbows.

  3. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/prevention-risks/about-non-medical-masks-face-coverings.html

    Non-medical masks and face coverings: About


    Homemade masks are not medical devices and are not regulated like medical masks and respirators:

    they have not been tested to recognized standards
    the fabrics are not the same as used in surgical masks or respirators
    the edges are not designed to form a seal around the nose and mouth

    These types of masks may not be effective in blocking virus particles that may be transmitted by coughing, sneezing or certain medical procedures. They do not provide complete protection from virus particles because of a potential loose fit and the materials used.

    Some commercially available masks have exhalation valves that make the mask more breathable for the person wearing it, but these valves also allow infectious respiratory droplets to spread outside the mask.

    Masks with exhalation valves are not recommended, because they don’t protect others from COVID-19 and don’t limit the spread of the virus.

    Medical masks, including surgical, medical procedure face masks and respirators (like N95 masks), must be kept for health care workers and others providing direct care to COVID-19 patients.

  4. As you guys know, I’m very much into to Donald Trump cosplay and the mask means I can’t kiss him. You liberals fucking disgust me. I would gladly take a load from Trump.


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