Watching Porn Isn’t Bad For Your Health

There is and has been a debate on whether porn is good for us or if it is something that we should stay far away from, and today, for the sake of having something to go on, I will use Some say it is perfectly healthy and natural, and this is the side I tend to stay with. While I am not a man, I have long worked in the porn industry and have worked with men for most of my life, and I have yet to see one that is so addicted to it that they will go to the extremes that some of these alarmist types will scream when they are asked their opinions. To be fair to both sides, however, I am certain that this is going to be a topic that can get heated for many years to come.

I will go with my own personal views on the subject of porn. Let this be known however, this is my views and only my views and beliefs, so keep this in mind as you read this article. To me, watching porn is about as natural as it can be, and can be a plus in many different ways. Some couples like to watch a porn movie to help with their own arousal with one another. A man may use a porn movie to relieve stress, when there is no one there to take care of his needs for him. There is nothing wrong with this. I also do not buy into the sayings from those that somehow have in their head that it can lead to bad things.

I have often taken the time to go to porn sites myself to check them out and watch the comments sections and everything about them so that I have more of an idea what is in it for you guys, remember, I am not a guy, so I have to do my own research into this matter. I do my very level best not to judge and berate a man, or woman, for their sexual desires and fetishes. Take the site I previously mentioned,, a free porn site with about as many different categories as one could possibly think of, from bondage, to anal, and just about every other thing you can think of to do with porn or sex. If you take a look at in comparison to, you will see that Pornkai has a far better selection to both the number and bondage categories.

I have also taken a little trip through some other categories and videos that strike me better than bondage, because bondage isn’t always the best type of porn videos. Some of us are more into amateur porn, blondes in porn, pornstars, or any number of things. I bet if you asked 100 men what they liked best about online porn and you would probably get 200 different answers. Some of you may not be honest about this as well, I think, right? Maybe you are curious and want to look into other types of porn that you would never talk about with anyone else, and maybe it is something like shemale porn or tranny porn. There is nothing wrong with this at all, so don’t think you are bad for it, or that you are gay or any other thing than just what you are. It makes you curious, not a freak.

I bet you are wondering what my own personal opinion and view of porn is, and I’ll be more than happy to tell you about that. I am not a big fan of watching porn online, most of it is fake and scripted and that isn’t something that turns me on even a little bit. But maybe take some of the homemade porn on and that makes things a little better. I have looked on for better homemade porn but it seems to be better on the site at hand. I don’t think it is bad and I don’t condemn or judge, like I said before, it is just a personal preference for me.

In closing, I can’t be pushed on the side of porn is a bad thing or unhealthy, as long as you keep it, as well as anything else you do, within reason and in moderation. If you find yourself missing work or sleep because you are watching porn, then you just may need to slow down just a bit.

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