I hate Wal-Mart. Violet Erotica for some strange reason decided that Wal-Mart would be the right venue to flash her lovely boobs and terrific ass and well, if Wal-Mart could make her do that on the regular I would start shopping there. I love her but not sure I like the new nose ring. I like everything else though.
Pictures from: Viorotica
Violet shops at walmart and scoots around in a 98 ford explorer, not sure what I expected, I guess she is human.
the kitty kat….looks puuurrrr-fect!!
at least it does from the top floor! next time we should get a view from the basement.
Number 2: risk of being rammed in the arse.
If she didn’t look so much like a Real Doll, she would be super hot.
The ONLY thing that I don’t like about her is the nose/septum piercing. Everything else = great.
I agree, iNinja. I can’t fathom why anyone would think looking like a bull is hot.
A cow would.
Yeah, that septum piercing has definitely got to go. That’s not attractive at all, and it’s messing up her otherwise-very-pretty face.
The other complaint that tends to crop up around here is that she’s got crazy eyes, as seen in pic 6. But she’s not doing that in any of the other pics, which means those photo sets where she’s got crazy eyes in every pic, she’s doing that on purpose.
Clearly this girl has no idea what is sexy and what is boner poison, because she mixes the two all the time.
she is hot , but the noise rings got to go.
She is like a work of art, a masterpiece!!!!!! Awesome in every way, it should be illegal for her to get older and I would vote for her to be president of the world. And the nose ring is quite kinky, I like it!!!!!