stacey used to have a very beautiful boobs and used to watch her toples to enjoy her big boobs and milky nipples , I always wished to see her boobs in person and feel them and suck them , I don’t look at her current breast due to smaller size but always open her older videos to see her perfect boobs , Tha no you stacey for showing us your beautiful boobs ,xoxo to your boobs I love them ❤ so much .
Dramatic deflation 🙁
the shrinkage is real….
she was never anything special. she was always ugly, now the rest of her is catching up
always thought Joey Fischer was way way hotter
she definitely is. most of the english women are a little weird looking. their face/head is never quite right, liz hurley excepted
Rosie Jones had/has a awesome body and tits
stacey used to have a very beautiful boobs and used to watch her toples to enjoy her big boobs and milky nipples , I always wished to see her boobs in person and feel them and suck them , I don’t look at her current breast due to smaller size but always open her older videos to see her perfect boobs , Tha no you stacey for showing us your beautiful boobs ,xoxo to your boobs I love them ❤ so much .