Video of Anya Sakova Masturbating
I love this video of Anya Sakova masturbating! The camera doesn’t move and you never really see her pussy but you don’t need to. Seeing her boobs move and listen to her moan is enough!
Video from: Polish Busty
October 17th, 2012
Posted in Anya Sakova, Babe Videos, Boob Videos
She goes by MerilynSakova on cam sites, she rides dildos, cums on cam and does alot of other stuff so give it a google and im sure you’ll thank me 😉
This is an old, old video, and just about the hottest thing she’s ever done. It has a very special place on my hard drive. You’re right, Niklas, you don’t even need to see her pussy. Just watching those boobs move, seeing her face and hearing her moan as she gives herself orgasms is enough to do it for me!
LOL at Friendly Tip for the noob comment, btw. 🙂