Vida Guerra Goes To A Birthday Party

I wish a busty Vida Guerra would show up to my birthday parties. It would make for some awesome party games such as;
1. Who can have a conversation with Vida the longest without glancing at her breasts.
2. Divide Vida into tits and ass, pick one – lets say tits and every time someone at the party mentions Vida’s tits you get 1 point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the night wins.

Or you know what, whoever gets to have sex with her at the end of the night wins. My bet is that the guy in pic #4 definatly hit that after the party..

Nude movie stars: Mr. Skin
Vida Guerra mega cleavage at partyVida Guerra mega cleavage at partyVida Guerra mega cleavage at partyVida Guerra mega cleavage at partyVida Guerra mega cleavage at party

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