Victoria Silvstedt Start the Year in a Bikini

Candids of former Playmate Victoria Silvstedt turned professional beach goer looking pretty good in a bikini at a St. Barts beach! I know that she is like 90% silicon but if I have to look at inflatable boobs, she is a good choice!

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Victoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikini

Victoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikiniVictoria Silvstedt in a bikini

6 thoughts on “Victoria Silvstedt Start the Year in a Bikini”

  1. I don’t see what is the problem of some guys with silicon. Would you prefer to look at saggy breasts or girls flat as Kansas? Give me fake over that ANY DAY!

  2. The problem is that the silicone is in her tits and lips. She was nearly perfect with her original parts.

  3. we all age. not one of you basement dwellers has a six pack stomach. more like a kegger.

    so vicky’s been touched up. she’s always had silicone. she’s still my favourite playmate of all time, and despite her being linked to high end prostitution i’d still fuck the living shit out of her.


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