Victoria Beckham In A New Outfit

Posh spice keeps it up with the naughty outfits. Here she is with a dress that looks like its about to fall apart any second. Unfortunatley it didnt but we still get a nice view of her boobies.

Victoria Beckham Victoria Beckham
For nude celebs: Mr. Skin

5 thoughts on “Victoria Beckham In A New Outfit”

  1. DUDE. Two words for her:
    CHEESE. BURGER. It’s one thing to be naturally thin like Keira Knightly, but Beckham looks like a skeleton with a suntan. That is just *nasty*.

  2. i dont know how anyone can say anything bad about
    victoria beckham shes gorgeous and has a perfect body and
    awesome tits

  3. she’s almost the perfect woman, though: Just close enough to ugly to be insecure about her body, a pair of the most ridiculously bad implants, and great legs. There must be something special about her to keep Soccer Boy interested, although they probably have an “understanding” that allows him a lot of outside action.


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