Veronica Zemanova Takes a Shower – Action Style

Some cool photos of Veronica Zemanova taking a shower by Action Girls! I especially like picture #4 with her boobs pressed on the glass and water running down.. its almost poetic. I only wish these were taken during her late 90’s era of perfection when she was hands down the hottest babe taking her clothes off on the internet.

Pictures from: Action Girls
Her official site: Veronica-Zemanova

Veronica Zemanova in the showerVeronica Zemanova in the showerVeronica Zemanova in the showerVeronica Zemanova in the showerVeronica Zemanova in the showerVeronica Zemanova in the showerVeronica Zemanova in the showerVeronica Zemanova in the shower

5 thoughts on “Veronica Zemanova Takes a Shower – Action Style”

  1. Hands down one of the best videos of Veronika. Definitely worth the five bucks for a three day subscription to actiongirls. Plus there is a bunch of other hotties like Kathy Lee and Jenny P. to download there.

    I say she still got it at age 34. Shame she basically quit modeling at the pinnacle of her career to marry some German dude. That guy is a lucky SOB.

  2. oh yes sir… that was her time, her prime. n she’d’ve given anybody a run at the CTR rates, i mean the only other option v had was Danni Ashe! lolol

  3. Too bad she had to ruin the world’s best boobs with such lousy boob jobs. Now her aureolas look like they’re smiling at me.

  4. She became annorexic thanks to some abusive boyfriend / trainer, so once she recovered those beautiful natural boobs were gone. That’s why she got implants in the first place.


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