12 thoughts on “Valory Irene’s first Tug Job”

  1. you wasnt expecting this…really? this is score youre talking about. good grief. they can turn anybody. im waiting on Micky to get a load on her now,.

  2. Will probably be as bad as karina hart..alotta fake moaning..oohs and aahs..and a bad titty fuck where dudes dick isnt fully encased in those spectac tits…oh well at least its an attempt

  3. Yeah, a bit of a man face thing going, but that body is special.. I dunno what it is about Eastern European moaning, but it always sounds fake to me!

  4. Man face my ass. Yeah, she has prominent features, but I’m sure we’d all bone her seven ways to Sunday if we had the chance. Hell- I bet we’d all marry her given the chance too. I think she’s still hot as hell!


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