
Ok, without getting into it too much, one of my family members were was (picky) in a car accident and things were not looking good for a while. Im happy to say that everything has turned out ok however and he will make a full recovery. 🙂

I’ll get back to updating the site but as you may understand updates will be a bit more sporadic than usual. I’d also like to thank everyone who sent me an e-mail or left a comment with their prayers and thoughts! Now lets all get back to the boobies!

21 thoughts on “Update”

  1. hey!!!…….gud 2 hear tat hes on rcovering stage….its absolutely fne if u still wnt sme dys…..v cn manage fr fw mre dys without mastrubating………or using the old stuff again..lol

  2. Thank god! Tell your family member to be more careful! Our boobie fix is in his hands!!

    Just kidding, glad everything worked out.

  3. Hey, Ramrod, you just found Boobie Blog? Wow! I guess you have a lot of searching through the archives then, don’t ya? There’s some great boobies on this site. Happy searching Ramrod! By the way, welcome back Niklas. Glad to hear everything is on the up and up again. Can’t wait for some new boobies pal.

  4. hey boss!!! glad to see you r back!! are there any more new pics of
    LUCY PINDER!!! can’t wait to see her jucy boobs

  5. It´s nice to hear from you that everything is getting better. My best wishes.
    Fivo – a friend from Brasil.

  6. Welcome back, Niklas, I’m glad everything will be alright.

    Phew… I was already starting to have boobie withdrawals 😉


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