Try Beating Kate Upton at a Staring Contest

You’ve probably seen the new Sobe commercial with Kate Upton winning easily in a bikini staring contest. Those poor guys don’t stand a chance but do you think you could do better? Well, watch this video and give it a try.. I lasted like 10 seconds then my eyes were firmly planted on her tits.

If you haven’t seen the actual commercial, here it is:

13 thoughts on “Try Beating Kate Upton at a Staring Contest”

  1. would it be fair game to whip ur dick out? i mean come on, her moving her tits around are two beautiful unfair advantages. pulling ur dick out would just level the playing field.

  2. 21 seconds before she beat me, I thought I had it in the bag after 15 secs as well.

    If it hadn’t have been for those pesky titties!


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