Too Big? Woman Trapped in Bed Because of Big Boobs

N-cup boobs

Julia Manihuari is a 29-year-old Peruvian woman who was bedridden for six months under the crushing weight of her N-cup boobs!

The 29-year-old said: “It was awful. If I tried to get up I would faint because my breasts were so heavy.” Doctors diagnosed an extreme form of Bilateral Gynecomastia – an illness where the mammary gland keeps growing.

“I have always had a small build, and the stress on the rest of my body was agony.”

She added: “My breasts were growing by the day. I couldn’t move because my boobs and belly were the same size. My breasts became so huge my skin had sores and I had trouble breathing.”



7 thoughts on “Too Big? Woman Trapped in Bed Because of Big Boobs”

  1. yeah, i was thinking about that too. some women aren’t built for big boobs. some women start off that way, but then, as there breasts get bigger, and there insatiable need to be skinny goes up, the boob to body weight ratio gets off balanced and the back pain ensues. I’ve offend why some women cry about back pain and others don’t who have bigger breasts, and some women go out and get bigger breasts. its all about the body/boob ratio.

  2. No woman is built for breasts that big. Doctors removed 35 pounds of flesh from her boobs (and she’s still a B-cup). That may not seem like a lot, but that’s an insane amount of weight for a girl of average build to be carrying around.
    If you do an image search on Yahoo, you can find more pictures before the surgery, In one of them, you can see the sores she’s talking about. They look like they must be incredibly painful.

  3. Holy Crap! This is the best thing I have ever seen! I want to marry this lady!!!!! I’d titty fuck her nightly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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