How the hell do you find time to review all these sites to find all this stuff? I don’t think enough people recognize what a true public servant you are, Niklas.
Hey, Niklas, that one site that calculates the value of web sites says boobieblog gets 80,000 page views a day. That’s only 3,000 less than google gets, I think. It’s nice to see that priorities are finally making sense.
Don’t put too much value in those estimate sites. Some of them say boobie blog is worth $300,000 and some say $70,000. Truth is that I have no idea what its worth because I’ve never tried to sell it.
Google is waaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaay bigger than 83,000 page views though
Damn, Kendra looks good in that video clip. Her tits were way better back then.
How the hell do you find time to review all these sites to find all this stuff? I don’t think enough people recognize what a true public servant you are, Niklas.
I know right, I should get a government grant or something! 🙂
Hey, Niklas, that one site that calculates the value of web sites says boobieblog gets 80,000 page views a day. That’s only 3,000 less than google gets, I think. It’s nice to see that priorities are finally making sense.
Don’t put too much value in those estimate sites. Some of them say boobie blog is worth $300,000 and some say $70,000. Truth is that I have no idea what its worth because I’ve never tried to sell it.
Google is waaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaay bigger than 83,000 page views though
If you get rid of the pictures of Brooke Hogan the value will jump. Jus’ sayin’….