8 comments on “Today in Boobs!”

  1. bob says:

    Ok Nik. Not fucking cool in the slightest. There’s a certain amount of trust given to you on our part.
    Please don’t post shit links that are actually browswer hijackers.

    I’m referring to the Hayden post.

    The link you posted diverts us to


    Not. Fucking. Cool.

    Please remove that link.

    1. Niklas says:

      You think I purposely post links to browser hijacks?

      I just checked the link on 3 devices and it works just fine for me. Since I’ve linked to drunken stepfather for years without issues I assume they may have been hacked and now fixed it or your computer may be infected with malware that caused the re-direct.

      I never post a link to anything malicious but a link is a link. I don’t control the site I link to and there is always a risk it changes after I link to it.

  2. bob says:

    Don’t click on the Hayden link. It’s a browser hijacker.

    Remove the link Nik.

  3. bob says:

    Yeah, getting all defensive instead of apologizing is going to win me over.

    Because everyone loves a good browser hijack after all.

    1. Niklas says:

      Why would I apologize when I didn’t hijack your browser.

      If anything, you owe me an apology for wrongful accusations.

      1. Deewok says:

        Bob had a bad day.
        Plus that interfered with his masturbating.

  4. Deewok says:

    Just tried Hayden post and went right thro fine..
    Just saying…

    1. Deewok says:

      Ps having seen it, now wish hadn’t…🤔😵😳🤢

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