Tits in Your Face

Tits in your face! Tits in your face! There are big tits in your face!

Big Tits

12 thoughts on “Tits in Your Face”

  1. Possibly Anya. I’m not too sure though, her waist is very thin.

    or SexxyVenera. I mean they’re the only 2 i can think of that has huuuuge tits and slim body.

  2. Yeah, looks like Linsey back to her glorious days. Her boobs were huge but, at the same time, very firm. Anya and Venera have tits too saggy.

  3. This is lindsey dawn mckenzie pre reduction of course. This whole clip is great. she jumps on the bed alot too. Tits flying all over the place. many happy times were had with this video.

  4. Hey how are you doing. Please take a min to read this because its a lot of things going on in the world to catch your attention, but this is something to think about someone shared it with me and it opened my eyes. At one point I thought I was a good person, but I fortunately learned that Sorry . . . I was just like the rest of the people on this earth,
    so I looked in the dictionary to see what it said a good person means, and it said “good” is to be “morally excellent.” Then I remembered hearing of a higher standard that helped me called Ten Commandments, and from there I saw how far myself and the world fail short. These are some things to think about: Is God first in your life? Do you love
    Him with “heart, mind, soul and strength?” Have you made a god to suit yourself? Have you used God’s name in vain? Have you kept the Sabbath holy? Have you always honored your parents? Have you hated anyone, and therefore committed murder in your heart? Have you looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? Have you lied (including “fibs”), stolen (the value is irrelevant), or coveted other people’s possessions? If you are honest, you know you will be guilty on the Day of Judgment. God, however, doesn’t want to send you to Hell. Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross in your place, so you could go free. That’s how much God loves you. We broke God’s Law, but Jesus paid our fine. Then He rose from the grave and defeated death. If you repent and trust in Him, God will forgive your sins and grant you everlasting life. Obey the gospel today. Read your Bible daily and obey what you read, God will never let you down. Please share this with others that you care about even if you don’t agree with the message.

    Take care,


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