This Video of Elizabeth Anne Playing Tennis Will Blow Your Mind!

Remember Instagram babe Elizabeth Anne? Remind yourself here and here. In one of those older posts I included a clip of Elizabeth looking boobtastic while playing Tennis, and good today I got good news because I just found the full 2 minute video!!!

Its goddamn amazing and will leave you speechless. So much bouncy goodness.

6 thoughts on “This Video of Elizabeth Anne Playing Tennis Will Blow Your Mind!”

  1. Amazing shit! Dis hoe it the new Jana Defi! She needs to get naked on camera ASP! And then go hardcore, gangbanged, bukkake, bang a horse, etc…

  2. She does need to get naked ASAP – I’m so over big boobed girls that wont get naked like Wendy Fiore – get naked or shut up and go away.

  3. The whole thing has to be in slow motion ??

    Bleh . . . Great “set”, but that video sucks.

  4. Such an amazing body. This girl could be a legend, but I think I read her family hates that she does modelling and they’re super religious. Hopefully she follows her own path that involves a lot of nudity 🙂

  5. Yes, she should let her family handle the prayers and she can handle the nudity.

    And gangbangs . . . Lots and lots of gangbangs.


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