This is a music video from a guy who I assume is a DJ called Said Energizer and its basically just six hot girls dancing. About 40 seconds in, the tits come out! Pay close attention to the girl in the daisy dukes and checkered top. Fantastic tits!
This is a music video from a guy who I assume is a DJ called Said Energizer and its basically just six hot girls dancing. About 40 seconds in, the tits come out! Pay close attention to the girl in the daisy dukes and checkered top. Fantastic tits!
If anyone is interested, if you forget to mute the video, simply jam the sharp point of a pencil in each ear and it helps muffle that fucking retarded noise DJ Nobody just tried to pass off as music.
Horrible “music” – amazing tits!!!
He’s a photographer, not sure if he also dabbles in music, but I know that most of the models he shoots are to die for.