This is Janet Guzman!

This is Instagram babe Janet Guzman! She reminds me a lot of porn stars Kim Kardashian and Lela Star (who actually played Kim Kardashian in a Brazzers episode). Janet is a more artificial version of both of them, but you know what, when I can pick out a sex robot at Best Buy, I wouldn’t mind one looking like this:

6 thoughts on “This is <em>Janet Guzman!</em>”

    • Answer is good for Nic, he gets paid for linking this pish…he’s ahead of all of us.
      Well done dude 😁👍

  1. Most guys like “natural women. This chick is so filled with plastic you couldnt sink her in water!! PLASTIC BARBIE fish lipped kardashian wannabe. Hate that look

  2. Hate to be a moany auld bastard like the rest of the moany auld bastards on here, but these IG burds, kinda all look same, all.look fake and all have as much individulaity/ personslity as a wet fert.
    Dont mean i wldnt fuck em like 🤔🙄😉😉😁👍

  3. these instagram sluts are boring. just another realdoll that rolled off the kardashian assembly line. sure she looks good, but this has been done to death. she needs to get gangbanged or something, otherwise yawwwnn


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