Ice Bucket Challenge Videos Worth Watching! Bonnie Rotten + Playmates!

I’m getting a little tired of the Ice Bucket Challenge videos but these are worth watching. Lets start with this one of naked porn star Bonnie Rotten doing the challenge completely naked! Seriously, if you’re a porn star and not naked when you do this.. you suck.

Kate Winn did it in a see through top

Playmates Anna Sophia Berglund, Kimberly Phillips, Dani Mathers, Val Keil and Amelia Talon did it together

5 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge Videos Worth Watching! Bonnie Rotten + Playmates!”

  1. Agreed Niklas. These stupid “look at me being whacky” videos are too much. Bonnie should’ve put Hydrochloric acid in her bucket. It might’ve scrubbed off those ridiculous fucking tattoos.
    “Wah, tattoos are cool and you are a stupid jerk.” There…beat everyone to it and now noone else has to say it.

  2. agreed. bonnie is both really cute and super hot but those tatts are just fucking hideous.

    slamming body art is like ringing a bell that attracts other lowlives who define themselves by their precious & oh so unique tatts. in the end, you paid someone to draw a picture on your body…you’re not special

  3. Bonnie Rotten only did it after she got verification from 50 people that they’d donated to the ALS Association. She wins. Oh and she’s fucking hot.

  4. Challenging your social media followers? That is the cheapest, crap, most ridiculous marketing stint I’ve ever seen. Look at us, we’re pouring water on our bodies. yeah, now we’d like to challenge our social media followers, uhg god – and what if they don’t, must EVERYONE donate the forfeit fee… dammit I wish these stupid girls would think man… good to see people cocking up the challenge, hopefully it’ll die out now.


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