Its Sunday but who have time for rest!? Not me, thats for sure because I am busy launching Boobie Blog VIP!! YES!! And I’m launching it with not one but TWO exclusive videos of girlfriend #17!! 🙂
![]() Ice Ice Baby |
![]() Wet Top |
The idea behind Boobie Blog VIP is basically to offer more Boobie Blog with longer videos, more photos, kick ass articles and toplists and a way for me to generate some cash so I can start producing my own big boob content! I have grand plans and it all depends on the VIP’s success or failure.
I realize that right now the content on the VIP is a bit meager but it will be updated at least 5 times a week so it will be filled up in no time! Let me know what you think of it.
Looks like some of the videos, not two above, are reselling someone elses content?
You’re a douche, dude. Until you stop this pay for stuff you got for free, I am out. Not coming back to your site.
Free? Girlfriend #17 was paid.
I bought licenses for the other content. Geez, whats the problem.. the regular boobie blog will operate like normal.
I’m worried that regular Boobie Blog will now just become an advertisement for the pay site. I guess we’ll see.
think about it. the whole boobie blog site is advertisements for pay sites. he’s just not making enough from referrals, so he’s going to dip into your wallet direct. and he’s still going to lose money.
Nik, as a huge fan and reg to BB, how can you expect me to pay $11.99 (which is more than what I pay for my internet a month) for something I can get for free else where?
If we got to see a lot more of girlfriend 17, 18 and female boobie visitor… then BBVip is a great idea… but just not worth $11.99.
What can you offer us regs as incentive?
Yea, I love your site, but I do not think this will work out very well. Most of this stuff can be googled, and a lot of people wont pay to see mediocre GFs show their boobies.
I was gonna write a comment about hating the idea, but at the end of the day, why should I care. As long as this site doesn’t become a big advertisment for the VIP site we should all just keep enjoying the free juggs. Niklas has created a good site and I’m sure he won’t want to ruin that. Good luck with the paysite Niklas. If I was dumb enough to pay for porn I would definitely sign up! 😉
no offense but this seems like a dumb idea I’ve been coming to boobieblog for years because it it is free, everything on boobieblog should be free.
People don’t come to this site to get out their credit cards, I don’t even think they come to this site to watch ahrdcore porn. There are plenty of porns ites out there, the internet is literally full of them. This isn’t a porn site. It has elemants of porn in it, a few videos and pics here and there, but its focus from the start was always the appreciation for boobs, which most of the human populace, (certainly males), have!
I personally wouldn’t mind seeing less porn posts and more to do with the regular things like Nuts and Zoo models, a few celebrity shots, internet babes, webcam shows etc etc. And this line of pay-for-play web hosting is just cheap imo. It’s uneccessary and I don’t think you’ve gauged your audience correctly.
As a fan of GF17, I think I will try it out. I think we all appreciate the Blog here, so if Nik wants to try to make some money from it, more power to him. If y’all don’t want to join the VIP part, then ya don’t have to.
If this is a step closer to GF17 having her own site then I am all for it. Now we need some more GF2 videos, too.
Niklas, it’d help us decide if we wanna join if you showed previews of some of the videos on the regular Blog.
I agree with BWSH, I think if I had some previews or some other way to see how it works, then that would help me decide. I love the site and I have an open mind to this VIP thing, I’m just unsure as far as what the content is like etc.
Guys, before you lash out, please take into consideration that Niklas has been doing this for years and he’s been paying for it mostly out of his own pocket. This VIP section does not seem like an awesome idea, but there is a chance people could sign up… after all, you’d get girlfriend videos that you couldn’t get anywhere else. =)
nice boobie… 🙂
Why not you faggots click the ads and help Niklas out? Click them for 30 seconds or more.
I also think this is a big mistake, Paid content is a thing of the past, instead of that you should focus on other things like:
1. Improving the usability, design and interface of the website. Let’s face it, even after the re-design, boobie blog still looks amature. You need a REAL designer to put they’re touch on it and make it look like something professional. You also need a better design for implementing videos and photo galleries. No more “open in new window” you need to have stuff run in FLASH or Java overlay.
2. Get more hits on the website – at the end of the day, this is how you can make money, so just focus your efforts on getting more hits
3. Do something that no porn site has done before: get sponsors that are NOT porn related!
If you need help with all this, or some investment / partnership, let me know.
yoav, the problem with this site is everything that is posted and expected to be clicked on is a click thru or a banner ad. impressions are already driving the site.
flash and java are shitty. stay away from them. i have flash ads blocked. they bog my system down badly. you want a good site? make it clean and fast, with maybe a bit of ajax tossed in for bling. google adsense would work here, if they do porn sites.
this being a wordpress blog means you are rather limited with what you can do to the site.
I’m not really crazy about this idea, but regardless, I hope it works out well for you.
Good luck!
Niklas, I have been coming here for a long time and I wish you lots of luck in this venture.
That said, I won’t be paying for content, sorry.
I love boobie blog and I am a huge naturals fan, but paying for internet porn is not something I am willing to do. It’s just too easy to get free content elsewhere.
And if Boobie Blog becomes nothing but a tease for the VIP material I probably won’t visit that much.
I love your site, please don’t change it.
Does anyone actually subscribe to pay sites any more?
I can’t remember the last time I bought porn. This is 2010 people.
if you could find one super hot girl who wanted to post her stuff exclusively with your site you might get people to pay for it. But you would have to spend a lot on advertising to attract enough people to make you any profit and you would need to have at least a year’s worth of updates up front already loaded onto the member site from day 1. Porn site basics. Takes money to make money. And live chat/shows.
And to the guy who said to get sponsors that are not porn related… umm… if that needs to be explained to you why that won’t work then it’s not even worth explaining…
But hey, good luck man.
If i wanted to pay to see tits i’d join a porn site
It would be interesting to know if BB as it is turns in a profit with the ads and referrals it currently features. This seems to be a prettty popular blog from what I’m seeing.
Yeah, can’t really see this working I’m afraid.
Is there a donate page? Hell, I think the goodwill would get you more money than a VIP section.
Hi Niklas,
Like the idea, hope it works out.
I do have one request- paypal.
If you can do paypal I might consider it. Dont like using my credit card with online card companies..
I might also suggest you farm that which is unique to your site- pay member’s girlfriends for content. It would be cool to see true amateur stuff from our members, that way you’re not spending money on licensed material.
Just a thought.
Ps. Ignore the haters.
@togtfo are you kidding? From the amount of work it takes to update this blog (not much) compared to the amount of advertisements featured on it and it’s popularity, I’d say yes, it makes a very nice profit.
ok.. wow.. I am going to address a couple of things here..
1. The VIP section will not change anything about Boobie Blog. Its a bonus section with bonus content, its just an addition and not a replacement.
2. I am obviously not going to get into the economics of this website but if people didn’t pay for porn then this site along with all other free porn sites would be gone completely so instead of asking why people pay you should be thanking them, not to mention some pay sites are way better than free ones.
4. Mainstream wants absolutely nothing to do with adult and thats why you never see ads for Toyota on porn sites.
3. I will make additions to the tour with previews so you can check out the videos.
4. Paypal wants nothing to do with anything related to adult content so I can not offer it on the VIP unfortunately. Its also the reason there is no donation button.
I think I addressed everything? Again, the thing just launched and it wont affect the regular site and those were the main points 🙂
Good luck with VIP : )
Niklas I would actually be interested about the economics of such a site like yours, as I plan to do something similar (but other genre than big boobs, so no competition there) and any info regarding the amount of work in relation to profit would be helpful in that endeavour.
Is there any way to contact you directly?
You can e-mail me at
waaaay too overpriced for price vs. content, but best of luck to you!
Well, like I said, good luck and I hope it works.
I have noticed much more content from a single source lately and the Blog is already doing a large part of it’s content as just previews for Reality Kings, Brazzers and all that “real” stuff.
If it goes completely that way, I’ll probably stop coming. I miss the Random Boobage, the pics from UK men’s mags right, and the content that I coudn’t see elsewhere.
I can go to Reality Kings already and look at their preview pics of porn stars already. Just because they don’t put much makeup on them, and pretend to pic them up off the street doesn’t make them amateurs.
I’d much rather see unknown girls on the street with big tits, covered or not. Than pay to see previews from a un-reality website starring Gianna Michaels as the “amateur.”
Yeah I have to join in with the “Screw you” crowd nic. You have to be a moron to not understand the porn biz at this time. Big studios are folding cause of all the free content available and you thought this was a good idea? The only thing that was driving my traffic to this site was the amateurs who were posting here. All the rest of the industry stuff you post I can get more and better elsewhere. Anyone who pays for porn is dumb and anyone who builds a business model on selling porn is doomed to fail. Best you could hope for is increased traffic from the uber popular amateurs who post here, but putting that behind a pay wall leaves me (and others I’m sure) no reason at all to come here.
It’s like trying to be a tour guide on a bus full of retarded kids. FUCK.
But it has changed if the amateur content that used to bring traffic here(ie GF17) is behind a pay wall.
Hey Ray, you dipshit, how many times have you heard a product owner say something to allay fears and the opposite turns out to be true?
If not ever, then you’re probably too young, if a lot and you’re just swallowing Niklas’ lines then you’re a sucker.
Either way, shut the fuck up.
The idea that it won’t change is already not true. Girlfriend #17 has content we can’t see unless we pay. Previously her stuff was free and just for fun. Now, thanks to this site CHANGING we are not allowed to see it unless we pay. That’s a change, you fucktard.
We got a whole entry on the blog wasted on trying to sell us on paying for content.
Do you honestly believe, Niklas is gonna spend the same amount of time and energy on the free content as on the premium content? If he did, he’d do so at the expense of the premium content, and paying customers would leave. So which content will get less time donated to it? Hmmn?
This site has had severe lapses in content in the past. I don’t think it’s hard to see how Niklas creating premium content is gonna take his time away from the free stuff.
It already does. The Random Boobage stuff and actual real to life amateur content comes much much less frequent than it ever did in the past already. We currently see more than half the content as just ads for the Reality Kings and Bang Bros.
So kiss my ass, Ray, you complete fuckwit.
I agree with Osi’s comments. Paypal would be good. You said they don’t do adult site payments – how ’bout if we just sent the $ to your email address through Paypal? To them, it would just look like two private parties exchanging funds, right?
And it would be cool if part of the profit were being shared with some of the “girlfriend” girls who are posting their pics & vids.
When’ll the previews be up?
Also, what resolution are these videos? Hopefully bigger than the videos you show on the normal BB. I think we’d all like to see full-screen size or close to it.
All of you saying why pay when I can get it for free – how much longer do you think the current free porn marketing exercise can go on for? Don’t you understand that it costs people money to produce porn?
Watching / downloading porn for free is the same as walking into a dvd store, putting a dvd in your pocket and walking out without paying for it. That’s theft. Simple. Just because it’s a digital product and not a physical thing you can pick up doesn’t change anything. The only reason you can download all this stuff for free is because nobody has found a way to effectively police it yet. But I guess that’s the nature of the internet.
Hey Wedge, Tell us what you really think. LOL
Porn will never stop being free because anyone can make it. From HD rigs to phone cams, people will have sex and film it whether there is money involved or not. I for one won’t weep if the studio model of porn disappears and all that remains is real people showing what they’re working with.
dark days
Was trying to access and autofill sent me here. I’ve stopped viewing this site because of what many people already mentionedâ€â€it’s basically a shill for all the Brazzers-type crap now. Boring. Boobieblog is either getting ready to crumble, or become just another bland porno site. Either way, I won’t be looking
Whut luvurbewbs sed.
You assume I am stealing porn? Weird. I guess you just don’t know how to get it for free.
There’s plenty of exhibitionists out there.
We’re up to 17 Girlfriends and 5 Wives on this blog aren’t we?
Lots of women love to show it, and love to know we’re getting off to it.
So don’t throw your judgments my way, Mike.
I’m an artist, I know all about the sentiment that if it’s on the net it’s public domain.
This whole situation is hilarious. I love the fighting and insults hahahahah over a tits website hahahahah
Too bad, I really want to see #17. she’s awesome.
Hmm. I’m a skeptic. The mood, ambiance, feeling, whatever you want to call it, of this site will change. I’ve been coming here regularly for a couple of years now, so either way I’ll count myself qualified to have an opinion on whether or not things have changed when we look back on this in a couple months from now.
Unless I hear more that changes my mind on the subject… I’m with Wedge on this one. – “previously her stuff was free and just for fun” he said.
It’s true. It’s all been for fun and enjoyment, and this site was just that for me.
But start involving money and the mood of the community (and indeed the community itself) changes.
Oh well … All Good Things ….
Hey Wedge, I won’t reply to you, because you know what? I look down on people like you. I am young, you’re right, but I’m on my way to a LOT more money than YOU’LL ever see. You’re an artist? I believe you. Your frustration tells me you’re an artist. Clearly one who didn’t make it.
Lemme guess, bedroom project? Lol.
Go whack it off, man… you’ll never get on my nerves. Now fuck off and find a job.
As for faith in Niklas, yeah, I do have faith in him. I’ve been coming here since back when your mom was sucking cock on the back seats of buses for food, fucka. XD
Ok, since the comments on this post got so out of hand I will address alternate payment methods, video quality, previews etc later this week but I do want to address this “Boobie Blog has changed for the worse” thing..
I just blatantly think you guys are wrong because just look at the past 7 days of updates and you have:
1 exclusive interview, 2 exclusive amateur posts, 3 British glamor girl posts, 1 body paint post, 3 porn posts, 7 posts of various babes + various videos and celebs.. and 1 single post from Reality Kings and 0 from Brazzers…
That to me looks like a pretty good mix..
oh, and thanks for the support 🙂
But no Girlfriend #17 !!!!
It’s killing me knowing that she’s playing with those beautiful nipples behind a pay wall. My cock is so sad.
I just wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate all your comments and support.
I originally posted my pics on a dare and was totally shocked and flattered by your response. It brought out my inner exhibitionist!
When Niklas offered to pay me to do some longer videos for you guys, it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve been out of work for several months and why not make a little extra doing something I enjoy? Maybe I should put donate buttons on my nipples! 🙂
I totally understand those of you who don’t want to pay and a big thank you for those who signed up. I’ll do my best to please you!
It won’t operate like normal though Niklas, you know this, all the ‘good’ content is just going to go straight into the VIP section so you stand a chance of making some money. All that will be left in the standard blog will be posts that you get paid to post by porn studio/site referrals.
Boobieblogs future readership is going be very dependant on how you play this, if the recent trend of videos/pictures of girls sending their own boobies in disappear into the VIP section (whether you pay for them or not,) then a big chunk of your readership (myself included) is going to disappear as well.
The way you need to monetise this site is to ease the transition between your site and the the content you post about.
This means providing selected full content from other sites (paid for with their pooled subscriptions?) which readers can click through to and just watch, without having to put in their credit card details again, but are up-sold onto a full membership of the site the content is on. I don’t mean giving every reader full access to every site you work with, i just mean giving them access to a hand picked selection of featured content across various sites, a sort of ‘full trial’, where you work a deal with content providers to get an exclusive ‘members’ area or something, where they can watch a few full videos that you have posted about, but are still sold on becoming a full member of said site.
Simpler explanation:
1. You talk to x pornsite about a recent upload they published.
2. You work out a deal with x pornsite to get a (or domain that your subscription paying members get access to. This domain has the full video you posted about, but is focused on getting that member to pay for a full subscription to x pornsite. (special ‘upgrade’ ads, subscription form right on the page, make it as easy as possible for users)
3. You publish a post about the recent upload, linking VIP members to the special domain
4. VIP members get to see the content as part of their subscription, but only that content, if they like the site/video they have a convenient link to become a full member of x pornsite to see the rest of the sites content, whereby you get a referral percentage. (in addition to the subscription you got from the user)
5. You keep boobieblog the same as it is currently running (boobie blog girlfriend/wife #x, random boobage etc) to draw in (and keep) users to give you ‘collateral’ to work with in your discussions with content provides.
If you want anymore information on this, like mock ups or further explanation or anything, just let me know. I’ll be watching this page to see whether i should bother sticking around or not.
Don’t mind da losers on this site man! You say it won’t change so it’s alllll good! Best of luck with the VIP venture. Hope it works out well man!:) thanks for running this website for spoo long cheers man! Best of luck!!!!!
Ryan – you are wrong though, if an amateur sends in photos for me to post I will post them here.. not in the VIP. If I pay someone to produce extra content then its going into the VIP.
I didn’t even start posting these amateurs until late january of this year and Boobie Blog was getting a lot of visitors before that so not everyone comes here because of amateurs. Its a big boobs website after all.
I do like your idea though and I’ll ask around to see if anyone will go for it, I have doubts because unless I have a lot of VIP subscribers that will send them a lot of traffic they probably wouldn’t be too interested in doing that but never hurts to ask.
I do have a deal to publish 4 min hardcore clips from reality kings which obviously isn’t the same as a full length but its a start and will be added as a bonus section to that site.
I am yet again saying the following.. VIP will not take anything away from the regular Boobie Blog.. those clips of GF17 would never have been produced for the regular site in the first place so no VIP = no 5-10min clips of GF17. Its an ADDITION, not a replacement.
Okay GF17 you heard the man. You can make us cheap bastards a vid out of the kindness of your heart!!
So tell me if I understand what you’re saying Nik..If GF17 wanted to make a new post (pics, vids whatever) in the free section you would allow it? Because if you read the comments of her last post in the free section it sure sounded like she intended to make a new vid anyway so I don’t understand your claim that there would be no GF17 without the VIP. What do you have to say GF17? Is there any chance you’ll do anything for free now that you can get paid for it?
Keep your eye on the front page in the next 10 minutes…
Yes, if she wants to make a free video for the free section I would post it for free. That goes for all amateurs who wants to send in their photos / videos.
I’m trying to follow this whole conversation but I’m totally distracted by the picture in gf17’s post.
Girl, is there anything about you that’s not absolutly perfect? Those are some luscious lips! I would love to see those sucking on my cock.
Oh yeah… And please post more pics for us cheapskates!!!!!!
If what you say is true, Niklas the I would be very happy.
But please excuse me if I’m skeptical.
Oh and Ryan…thanks for the reply. I love it when people reply to say they’re not replying and then talk shit about me when they have no idea who I am. You gave me lots of laughs, young man.
GF#17 — if you need money get yourself a webcam and do private shows. That is THE BEST income producer in porn today.
For some reason guys have no problem dropping $1 per minute for their favorite girl for 30 minutes… yet they go screaming and run away at the mere mention of $9 per month for a content site.
I guess it’s the personal interaction aspect of it all. But make no mistake, that is where the money in porn is today. Live webcam shows.
Go LiveJasmin or any of those bigger ones. Or heck, have Niklas set it up for you and you guys can split it.
seriously shut the fuck up about the vip section if you dont like it dont do it! the regular boobieblog will be the same so quit your bitchin!
ROFL@Wedge. We believe you, bro. Yeah. I could tell from the way you whined about paying for BB’s VIP section that you were REALLY rich and successful.
Heh. I should just let retards own themselves.
$11.99 is unreasonable.
Considering that the only content anyone is interested in is GF17, that is way too much for just two videos.
I’d pay 5 or 6 to see her content without hesitation. But 12 dollars makes me walk away.