A poll of over 9,000 people found out which parts of female celebs are the most admired and desired and then made this image combining those features to create The Ultimate Woman. I’m glad to see the chest of Kelly Brook featured but the result is more creepy than sexy if you ask me.
All they needed was Kelly Brooks boobs and Kate Beckinsales face.
More specifically, they should’ve gone with Kelly Brooks nipples. I’d say Sophie Howard is the set of boobs you want.
More importantly – that aggregate thing looks kinda creepy. I’d have to just stare at “it’s” tits just to keep from getting weirded out. If they need to be Kelly’s tits – I could live with staring at those.
This computer image doesn’t look very attractive.
Other women used here do though, especially Duchess of Cambridge. Wowza.
Looks too much like Kim K.
there is no such thing as the ultimate woman.Those women have certain features that work for them.If I saw something that looked like this woman coming down the street,I would call Ripley’s.Also looking at this,it’s obvious who was polled.Now to me,she looks like a white fuck-up version of traci bingham.
99% of those polled were either female or gay…with a 1% polling error
Also nothing about Gwyneth Paltrow is attractive, so this further proves my point about most of those being polled not being in anyway attracted to women.
Angelina Jolie’s lips????? that’s her most horrible part!!
Danielle Sharp is The Ultimate Woman in my humble opinion
this “ultimate woman” is ugly… i take sunny leone – she is beautiful 😀
I immediately thought what lance burton said. It looks a bit like Kim Kardashian. And there are better lips than Angelina. Those are just the most known.
Not too be THAT guy, but I’d rather see the black “Ultimate Woman”
Ugly face!
her eyes need to be bigger, to narrow.. But it does hate to say it look a lot like kim kardashian which is weird.
does not do it for me….my hand is empty!!!
Helllooooooooooo Uncanny Valley