Hey this doesn’t pertain to this post but since alot of people have commented on it maybe i could iask you guys something. If anyones seen Religulous, Bill Mahers movie, there is a scene with a topless nun with great boobs. i was wondering if anyone know who actress or what movie that is. thank you.
The copy of this vid I have wont fast forward so I have to sit through it from beginning to end. I can’t wait till I have some time to watch it all! lol
ps: What would it take to get a link for my blog on your site? Email me kind sir
It is a real condition, but I don’t know how real hers is since most people have surgery done to remove it. Also, people don’t always have it conveniently placed in the middle either.
gotta love how ppl always flame stuff as fake, its a blocky video and yet everyone clears that they can obviously see a seam line for the prosthesis and they look fake, well whens the last time anyone here has actually seen a set of triplets like that? it looks hella real compared to the bitch from total recall if you as me lol and the “work she had done” was to make her other two boobs bigger cause they were much smaller than the middle one, and yes with this condition its not always in the middle but hers apparently is. it could be fake, yet it could not be. that being said, i think its hella hot, thats a tit for each hand and one to suck on, perfection at its best if ya ask me lol aint a damn thing wrong with that.
Holy hell!!! Does anybody realize that two guys could motor boat her at the same time!!!!!! How about some double tittie fucking. Don’t slip on missionary style, you’d get impaled.
Ya think? lol
Got to be fake. If not then she is my perfect women. lol
Of course its fake! I heard on the vid someone talking about her “having them done”.
Excuse me?
Hey Niklas, check out this week’s edition of Nuts. It’s got a feature “100 hottest big boobed babes”!! It’s freaking sweet!
Ugh, thats just not right….She would have been perfect having only 2.
Totally ridiculous. The “three tits” are a prosthesis covering her real tits. It’s obvious.
holy crap! whats her name? I want to see her in some girl on girl porn!
LOL, of course they’re fake. but did you really think anyone would be so confused that you had to point it out?
Part of me wants to believe its real… but it does look like a prosthesis… but if it is real… NO FUCKING WAY!
How many Pussies does she have?
just wanna know her name. damn fine.
Hey this doesn’t pertain to this post but since alot of people have commented on it maybe i could iask you guys something. If anyones seen Religulous, Bill Mahers movie, there is a scene with a topless nun with great boobs. i was wondering if anyone know who actress or what movie that is. thank you.
I don’t know if this particular woman’s third boob is real or not, but wikipedia says that it is a real condition.
clearly fake like, but does any actually find that a turn on?.
The copy of this vid I have wont fast forward so I have to sit through it from beginning to end. I can’t wait till I have some time to watch it all! lol
ps: What would it take to get a link for my blog on your site? Email me kind sir
Cephas – don’t believe everything you read on wikipedia…
It is a real condition, but I don’t know how real hers is since most people have surgery done to remove it. Also, people don’t always have it conveniently placed in the middle either.
Anyway, this isnt really a turn on for me
gotta love how ppl always flame stuff as fake, its a blocky video and yet everyone clears that they can obviously see a seam line for the prosthesis and they look fake, well whens the last time anyone here has actually seen a set of triplets like that? it looks hella real compared to the bitch from total recall if you as me lol and the “work she had done” was to make her other two boobs bigger cause they were much smaller than the middle one, and yes with this condition its not always in the middle but hers apparently is. it could be fake, yet it could not be. that being said, i think its hella hot, thats a tit for each hand and one to suck on, perfection at its best if ya ask me lol aint a damn thing wrong with that.
Holy hell!!! Does anybody realize that two guys could motor boat her at the same time!!!!!! How about some double tittie fucking. Don’t slip on missionary style, you’d get impaled.