This is a great little collection of topless women at the beach. Some of them Ive already posted but there are a couple of new girls in here that is definatly worth your time.
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Video from: I Love The Beach
The girl in the thumbnail has perfect tits. In fact, I’d love to bone virtually every girl in the video. Which is how I will have to do it: virtually.
Why does this never occur when i’m at the beach?
BigBob: You need to go to one of these places: Black’s Beach in San Diego, South Beach in Miami, or Haulover/Playalinda Beach near Titusville, Florida. There you will see many boobs, plus many vaginas. All shapes and sizes, but who cares!
Ah thats gonna be a problem then, as i live in Engalnd 🙁
See BigBob, this just shows your lacking of commitment in boob watching. I am disappointed in you.
Sorry, BigBob. Well, put those places on your itinerary next time the pound is strong against the dollar. Black’s Beach and South Beach are well worth a visit. How ironic that the British girls have such great boobs but few opportunities to show them at the beach due to the weather.
Ino English beaches suck!!! But the women are Hot Hot Hot!!! Anyway this is on my Things to do before I die list…
Erm…Spain or Greece are closer to England and nothing to be jealous of Florida…tickets are cheaper too 😉
Good call Edward, I think we should all contribute to global warming in hopes of warming up the British Isles.
Lets go to the beach
There’s absolutely no way I’ll act or look normal on a beach like that, cuz I’ll be walking around with a permanent boner!