8 comments on “The Return of Lucy Li? She’s on the Cover of Playboy Spain!

  1. anon says:

    Of course she had to get those fake ass lips, like the other e-whores of instagram, I hate this trend of people ruining their faces so much. I hope the next trend is staying natural, and I hope it arrives soon.

    1. mikeroyne says:

      i agree many of these broads ruin their faces but i am not categorically against it. i am against excessive/bad/unnecessary surgery. that “picture” looks pretty good but it is an artists rendering

      1. derp says:

        You are categorically retarded.
        I am against your excessive/bad/unnecessary existence.

  2. CygnusX1 says:

    The Return of Lucy Li

    I hope so. Sure, she’s done some work on her face, but I’d need to see more before commenting further.

  3. Supersevenn says:

    so who is Konstance? it says she is from Slovaquia when Lucy Li (Scarlett Lee) is from Germany

    1. zombie says:

      Konstance is a show name, same as Lucy Li is. A lot of these models use a different name with each site they do shoots for.

      Babepedia seems to have no idea, it says her Birthplace is Prague, Czech Republic but then in the writeup at the bottom says she was born in Germany. I was always under the impression she was Czech.


  4. Iron Balls McGinty says:

    Hot, but I don’t think it’s Lucy Li.

    1. uboot says:

      Of course it’s her. She has done some lips injections and also botox injections to her face. Sad.

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