The New Lara Croft

EIDOS had picked a new babe to be the face of Lara Croft. Her name is Karima Adebibe and judging by her rack I can’t say I disagree with their choice. Apparently she is 20 years old from London, UK and she likes to suck dick. I made up that last one but it sounds good doesn’t it?

Karima Adebibe Karima Adebibe Karima Adebibe Karima Adebibe Karima Adebibe Karima Adebibe Karima Adebibe
If you like chicks with guns then you definatley need to take a look at Action Girls

4 thoughts on “The New Lara Croft”

  1. No!!! She likes to suck dick does’nt sound good. It more sounds stupid if you ask me.
    If she would be ab porn actress it would be relevant. But in this case it has
    nothing to do with what she does for a living and so it is stupid and superfluous.
    Keep it little bit more to the facts instead of making up childish facts!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Karima Adebibe’s pictures here could be a WHOLE lot Sexier if
    was BARE NAKED or if she was shaking, holding or better yet
    touching her BARE BOOB’S


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