The Hooters International Swimsuit Contestants are Terrible!

Hooters Bikini

BroBible put together a bikini pic list of the 100 contestants in the Hooters International Swimsuit pageant, and my god does Hooters suck. I’ve been harping on that restaurant since forever, but if these ladies are your top 100 hottest waitresses then you have the lowest standard for a titty restaurant ever.

There are a few potential babes in there but the rest are either A-cups (WTF!!?) or have obvious fake tits which means they had A-cups to start with. There are no naturally busty girls wanting to work for your restaurant or do the people who run Hooters have no taste whatsoever?

I never eat there and I want you stop eating there.


12 thoughts on “The Hooters International Swimsuit Contestants are Terrible!”

  1. 95% of the girls on that list are hotter than the fat and/or ugly women that get posted on this site on a regular basis.

  2. Complaining about fake tits on Hooters girls is like complaining that Kate Upton’s waist isn’t small enough…childish.

  3. Welcome to 2015 – when hooters models are flat chested, and successful commercial models (Kate Upton, Charlotte McKinney etc.) are busty.

  4. These ladies should be working at Bikinis because I don’t see any hooter. (o.k., maybe one good set and a couple of cute girls, but those doth not a Hooters make.)

  5. The fact that the only Hooters restaurant in the UK isn’t in London, but 100 miles to the north says a lot about the company to be honest!
    I’ve been and its been mediocre at best, the ones in DC and New York are much better, hotter women and slighter bigger tits, but only just!

  6. It can’t be that hard to only hire waitresses with D-cup boobs or larger? After all those make up a quarter of the female population.

  7. Their food is terrible, and I wouldn’t eat there even IF the waitresses were all natural D cups.


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