The Geordie Shore Ladies in Newcastle!

Here are the “lovely” ladies of Geordie Shore stumbling out of a bus to go partying at something called the Mortal Weekend in Newcastle! Not sure who the blonde in the sheer top is, but I want to bury my face in her slutty tits!

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Busty and drunk babesBusty and drunk babesBusty and drunk babesBusty and drunk babesBusty and drunk babesBusty and drunk babesBusty and drunk babesBusty and drunk babes

7 thoughts on “The Geordie Shore Ladies in Newcastle!”

  1. I’m America. But have been living in England for the past 3 years the blonde girl’s name is Charlotte Crosby. The show Geordie Shore is disgusting. If you thought Jersey Shore was bad it doesn’t even hold a candle to that show.


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