The Future of Breast Enhancement

If you don’t mind a little bit of reading with your daily doze of boobs, I suggest you check out this article from Wired regarding the future of breasts! Its basically about the future of natural breast enhancements and tissue repair and its pretty fascinating stuff. Can you imagine a future when the world will be filled with Jana Defis and Gabrielle Pastels.. any woman out there could have their boobs and it would look and feel 100% natural!

Read the article


6 thoughts on “The Future of Breast Enhancement”

  1. Ha, I have that actual magazine issue. Too bad I don’t have a scanner, the cover photo is very eye catching.

    Hopefully this procedure garners enough attention and becomes the norm soon. Implants would be a thing of the past.

    Some great things about this procedure is that there are no scars, they probably only need local anesthesia, they can send the patient home the same day of the procedure, and the end result would be that no one can tell that the girl had the procedure done. I almost wouldn’t even call it an “operation”. And no implant means there would be no need to change it out in the future.

  2. According to the article, this procedure is good if a woman wants to gain 1-2 cup sizes (B-C/D, C-D/DD). More than that and they need to stick with silicone.

    Still, that could provide some interesting results!

  3. I know this day will come, but I can’t say I’m excited at all. Yeah, the world will be full of Jana Defis and Gabrielle Pastells… And they won’t be special any longer, but AVERAGE. Would it be fun to watch Usain Bolt run if everybody in the world was that fast? No.

  4. Oh they would still be special. Society would probably become more obsessed with larger tits, if that’s possible. Or maybe it would have a reverse effect, and society would start liking small boobs better… nah.


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