Tessa Fowler Closeup Jiggle!

Fantastic closeup view of a topless Tessa Fowler and her giant naturals which was filmed with a GoPro!! I could watch her jiggle those titties for hours without getting bored..

Video from: Tessa Fowler

[hana-flv-player video=”http://promo2.tessafowler.com/tessa-fowler-red-black-christmas-lace-GoPro-1/3min.mp4″
autoload=”true” autoplay=”false”
loop=”false” autorewind=”true”

Video from: Tessa Fowler

8 thoughts on “Tessa Fowler Closeup Jiggle!”

  1. This bitch needs to be tittyfucked on camera. Period. She needs to sign up with Score and go away from those Pinupfiles losers. Those tame photos and videos from Pinupfiles are such a waste of the high quality tit meat she has…

  2. Well Ivan, aren’t you a sweet talker? The ladies must be falling all over each other to get to you.

  3. Man, I have to disagree with that Ivan. If you like looking at penises so much, look at your own. I’m here for boobs. Softcore is much sexier and I always think it is a shame when a model I like does porn :/

  4. I can see where Ivan gets his name from!

    But I must agree with ‘Mask’ slightly, although I’d prefer her nude, but not doing porn, some models suit both nude modelling and porn, some just porn, Tessa would lose something she has maintained since her introduction to the industry.

  5. Different strokes (huehue) for different folks. I don’t like seeing pretty girls getting fucked. Porn stars are fun to watch tho…

  6. Hmmmm, im indifferent on this to a point, I like to see a model do solo work especially if shes
    a big titter as for me the focus is on her jugs and the likes of score, xxcel and pinups do get great solo work but when a model has been in the game for a time then its eventually time to up the game. Leanne crow is a prime example, im a huge fan but after several years of the same type of titty shoot she now needs to drop her panties and give us more if were to remain interested!!!!!! Boy/ girl is her next move, I would like to see her do a scene with shane diesal!!!


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