Tessa Fowler Blowjob!

Tessa Fowler released a 4 second censored clip of herself performing a very first on-camera blowjob to Only Fans! The clip was quickly removed which makes me wonder what exactly is going on with this? Drunken mistake? Probably not because nobody drunk would go through the trouble of censoring the clip first.

Either way, this is clearly pointing to Tessa being more open to doing hardcore in the future. She is rumored to have turned down $500k from Mindgeek / Brazzers a few years ago, let’s hope their offer is still on the table!

Tessa Fowler blowjob

14 thoughts on “Tessa Fowler Blowjob!”

  1. 500K 1 that’s insane right?! i mean tessa is definitely an all time goddess but we can see millions of huge titted sluts for a fraction of that. i feel the same way about nude celeb shots. the porn stars are all much hotter & its not a violation like the fappening

    • Tots.
      Be her pics..
      She gets vas5 majoriy of cash..
      Rather than signing sum contract…told what to do with..
      And getting a % of profits.
      Fair play to the lass…if she wants to go down that street

  2. Personally hope she never goes down that road. Ruins the fantasy. She’s intelligent and would spend her time better in school or with a solid vocation, but easy money is seductive, right. But don’t know anything about her except that she’s had a rough time with boyfriends not treating her well, shares or shared a house with LC and lives in the Carolinas.

  3. It’s real.
    The guy was some singer she knows.
    She had to remove it because she didn’t get a written consent from him to post it.One of the rules Onlyfans has.


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