7 thoughts on “Taylor Stevens is an Action Fan”

  1. I really can’t get into her anymore. She was damn sexy when she was BBW, but now she looks like your standard cookie cutter blond you can find on any street corner. She really doesn’t have much going for her, even with those tits.

  2. I would love to snatch that gun away from her and watch her cry as she slobbered on my cock with the cold steel barrel pressed against her stupid blonde head.

    Those fat-sacks of tit-flesh are fucking glorious and deserve a man who knows how to truly use and abuse a woman.

  3. I’d do her as well, although I’d be afraid of losing an eye if she got me with that weather vane…er…nose.

    Gotta wonder why she doesn’t lose the glasses. Much hotter with them off (and her panties should be gone also).


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