Taylor Stevens in a Tight Top

Poor Taylor Steves, that top is way too tight for her huge boobs. Good thing then, that she came up with the brilliant idea to take it off and release the juggs! Now if only I could get her to release all over my face..

Pictures from: Pinup Files

Taylor Stevens with her tits exposedTaylor Stevens with her tits exposedTaylor Stevens with her tits exposedTaylor Stevens with her tits exposedTaylor Stevens with her tits exposedTaylor Stevens with her tits exposedTaylor Stevens with her tits exposedTaylor Stevens with her tits exposed

14 thoughts on “Taylor Stevens in a Tight Top”

  1. She looks great, I’ve always found her sexy but I wish she hadn’t lost so much weight; she lost a lot of her unique charm with it.

  2. If she’d lose the fake nose and goofy glasses I’d like her better. I give her huge credit for getting down from nearly 300 pounds. Too bad the hideous tattoo doesn’t really hide the tummy tuck scar. Still, I like this girl a lot.

  3. ill say it again, im very sure those are natural. she had huge ones when she was heavier and they still bounce around like wild in all her vids.

  4. Isn’t it annoying when people misuse “au naturale” like that -_- It doesn’t mean that! XD

    I think they are real, but the surgery was done elsewhere. Shame, still.

  5. u are so fine girl.i would love to shag ur big boobs all nite and listen to wat all tthose haters got to say.

  6. There NOT real they were when she was bigger but because she lost so much weight her tits started to sag a little to far south, she had a boob job, she had implates and a lift but they are fake. The only reason they look a bit natural is because they were so big before, look at the shape of them properly and you can tell there fake.


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