Taylor Stephens in a Pink Bikini

Pinup Files keeps coming out with new busty models! I got a feeling that Taylor Stephens, just like Dhalia Dark will divide the Boobie Blog community between those that thinks she is awesome and those that think she is not awesome at all. I personally think her boobs are awesome! I also like the glasses, we need more hot girls who wear glasses.

Oh, if I remember right Taylor is actually living in Toronto so thats pretty hot as well..

Pictures from: Pinup Files

Busty Taylor Stephens toplessBusty Taylor Stephens toplessBusty Taylor Stephens toplessBusty Taylor Stephens toplessBusty Taylor Stephens toplessBusty Taylor Stephens toplessBusty Taylor Stephens toplessBusty Taylor Stephens topless

19 thoughts on “Taylor Stephens in a Pink Bikini”

  1. totally disagree..the boobs look way too fake.glasses makes me wonder whether they suit her better than they suit mr.potato head!the hair colour is so ugly!

  2. I think she is pretty effn hot! And yes, we def need more hot chicks in glasses. Love girls in glasses.

  3. She may be new to pinupfiles, but she’s not new at all. Taylor’s literally been around for years (five or more) as a webcam girl.

    She also used to be way fat…she looks really great all slimmed down.

  4. Yes, and if you look at the entire set of this chick, you can see the *totally* sexy way her belly tattoo *doesn’t* cover her tummy tuck surgery.

  5. I remember when she used to be fat.

    I also remember when she had wire-rimmed glasses and looked a lot more attractive. I don’t think i’ve ever seen a female with Buddy Holly-esque glasses that looked even remotely attractive.

  6. Looks like she got a nose implant at the same time. Looks like a weather vane grafted on her face. She’s about three tweaks away from being hot. Probably saving up for the next round of plastic surgery.

    And yes, I’d fuck her. I wouldn’t kiss her, though, not without wearing safety glasses so that beak didn’t take out my eye. Jus’ sayin’…..

  7. Wow. How’d they get those bowling balls stuffed under her skin is beyond me.

    //Those. Are fugly plastic boobs.

  8. She used to be fat, so the tits are real, and if you watch her webcam videos (which are available for Torrent) you see when she plays with them that they don’t have the tell tale signs of being Implants.

  9. ddrender, i’m sure they’re not real. i think when she lost her weight (which must’ve been quite a bit) she probably lost alot of size or fullness to her breasts and so had them augmented.

  10. Yeah, she used to be a “BBW” camgirl. I agree with scott; her tits were gigantic and pretty clearly natural then, which makes me think that they’re probably fake now that she’s lost all this weight. As a fan of both silicone AND natural tits though, I don’t think that this is a bad thing! Her new boobs look great to me! Pic 6 is probably my favorite in this set. Why? Well, the name I post under will answer that question for you! 😉

  11. I think they’re real, she used to weigh much more and had huge tits, lost the weight, kept the tits. Plus, I’ve seen videos of her after her weight loss where she really lets those boobs bounce around.


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