8 comments on “Tanya Bahtina is an Artistic Tease!”

  1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

    Nothing from the tat whiners yet? HUGE surprise. BTW, She’s hot.

    1. Mr. Bush says:

      What tats!!!!!!! BeAUtiFuL

  2. Dick says:

    My first thought was that she looks like a poor man’s Evgenia 🙂

    1. Phat Mike says:


    2. TheMorgul says:

      Mine was that she’s a more endowed Liya Silve. All the three of em are smoking hot, but yes… MUTERFUCKING HATE the tats!

  3. Lance Burton says:

    Nope. Shes filthy.

  4. mikeroyne says:

    tatts are shit, she is shit for ruining her body
    i have a hard time making sense of the choice to say “why yes, i would love it if i permanently made it so my body looks like i fell into an open sewer & crawled out like Andy in shawshank”

  5. Iron Balls McGinty says:

    Your opinion is total shit as always. It’s her body to ruin if she chooses, so be it. Just as you choose to constantly be a redundant fucking idiot about that sort of thing, so be it.

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