Study Alina’s Boobs

These pics are from some new site I found called Boob Study, and who wouldnt want to study Aliba’s boobs? I think Ive seen her on Met-Art before but more of this sexy babe the better!

Pictures from: Boob Study
Alina Alina Alina Alina Alina Alina Alina Alina

18 thoughts on “Study Alina’s Boobs”

  1. @ Magners

    She is busty Ali – is she not? Either that or her sister. They have exactly the same face and boobs…

  2. UGLY!?!?!?! REALLY?!?!?! The only negative thing you could possibly say is that her body is so perfect that it’s hard for any face to hold up. Put her face on the body of the last chick you banged and I’d guarantee you’d call her pretty. FACT!

  3. I don’t think her face is that bad, it’s just that she has the worse possible haircut she could get. Take her to a stylist and by the time they got done with her you would want to bring her home and knock it around for so long that by the time you got done you would be back at square one.

    After all that’s said though, she’s prettier than me, and that’s all that matters.

  4. Lmao, this girl isn’t a butterface. This is what hot chicks look like when they aren’t covered in make-up. Her only real sin is having shoots like this without paying someone to do her make-up professionally.

  5. Are you sure she’s old enough to be doing this? The body = lava hot. The face says “16 years old”.

  6. Ehhhh, Davo to each his ownnn thats why there is chocloate and vanilla…. I think she has ok boobs, i dont like the face but thats justy me and the rest of the body also just me is ok…. sorry DAVO, just my opinion

  7. killa, you can go right ahead and prefer girls who are put together differently. To be honest I don’t care what weird crap you like looking at in your spare time. I was responding to people calling the chick ugly, which is retarded…… sorry MORON…. I mean KILLA.

  8. Davo, why u turn into a douche bag…. all i was sayin is that we have difference in opinion but then u gotta be an ass?


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