She is beautiful and natural, but must say, i wouldnt mind her looking a bit more like she does some kinda sport to keep fit. she unfortunately is a bit saggy, no legs muscles, no muscle tone anywhere. she keeps somewhat slim by mostly not eating, and then partying/eating unhealthy now and then.
its pretty damn clear. wouldnt mind her being more a spokesperson for a somewhat healthy living
This is fine until it goes full body shot then it shows her total lack of shape and utter flabbiness. She’s got great baps but that’s all she has going for her.
I laugh at these idiots like Dave who think she’s fat. While Dave sits in his grandma’s basement dreaming about a girl that will someday touch his little pee pee, but in reality it will be him touching his own pee pee with a blond wig on his hand, while saying beautiful women like this are out of shape and flabby is somewhat funny and sad at the same time. Poor Dave.
shes not fat, but she is a little dumpy. from the chest up she is perfect, but in the other direction, not. that said, she is still very young, gravity will take its toll at some point but for now, lets enjoy that stunning face & marvelous titties
@Mike What an immature ass you are, someone gives their honest opinion (Dave, who happens to be right) and you attack him. Your attack sounds like you are relating a personal experience (most GROWN men stopped saying pee pee at the age of 13 by the way). Poor, immature Mike
Know what.
How about it just making a pleasant change that she is more natural and not some toned robot off instagram.
How about celebrating that, rather than bitching about a lass that is hotter than most of us would ever get near.
Like her…that would also be refreshing ðŸ¤â€Ã°Å¸ËœËœÃ°Å¸â€“•
Kind of a tanker, but I bet she’s totally OK with it, along with almost everyone else. I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating that whole second turkey dinner!
Seriously Deewok? Most of the guys on here could get much better women than Kate Upton but choose to live with their parents playing video games 😄.
Most of the twats on here would spontaneously combust if they even got a whiff of a burds drawers …ðŸ¤â€Ã°Å¸ËœÂ🙈😆😘🖕
White knights, white knights everywhere… “ohh if you don’t like her you’re a gay virgin and live in your mother’s basement stop talking about my imaginary girlfriend because you would never have a chance with her bwuaaaah bwuahhh” grow up, dudes, people have their preferences and will express them… it’s not like you knights will be dating her either…
Don’t give me that white knight nonsense. This isn’t about preferences, it’s about how ridiculous it is for some dork on the net to comment like that on an a-lister who’s also the most sought-after woman on Google. Ignore her if you don’t like her. And yes, it does matter that none of us are ever going to get such a fine piece of female. It’s ludicrous to call a Ferrari worse than a Lambo – as if they had to be built to please you alone – if you can’t afford neither.
^^^^^ Agree completely. While she’s not at the top of my list personally, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Kate Upton’s body. I just laugh at the folks on here who refer to her as “fat”, yet probably LOVE cows like Leanne Crowe, Lucy Vixen, Milly Marks, and Bella Brewer. To each his own!
The commenters here only cringe because she’s not on their arm in the People of Walmart photos.At 25 or thereabouts, is she prematurely showing her age due to lack of exercising ambition? Yes. Has she made enough money to not give a rat’s ass about what the masses think of her? Yes. Am I a white knight? No, I have a MILF I’m happy with. This comment is simply to troll the same dudes complaining about below her tits while fapping to her jiggling chesticles. Call it a hobby. (spelling correction provided by the MILF).
People are allowed to think a woman isn’t ultra super mega hot, chaps. Unless you need to be hot yourself to decide such things?That’s idiotic. The entire basis of attractiveness is subjective, so you’re basically allowing for your OWN opinion to be rendered pointless if someone thinks you aren’t hot.
Just waiting for that fucking faggot Ivan to comment how she lacks a dick.
Noice! Dis bitch is sum royal quality FUCKMEAT! Daaang!
Your momma should’ve just punched you in the head and sold the milk.
Ivan G in da house?
she looks amazing
She is beautiful and natural, but must say, i wouldnt mind her looking a bit more like she does some kinda sport to keep fit. she unfortunately is a bit saggy, no legs muscles, no muscle tone anywhere. she keeps somewhat slim by mostly not eating, and then partying/eating unhealthy now and then.
its pretty damn clear. wouldnt mind her being more a spokesperson for a somewhat healthy living
Well the truth is her body is shaped like a fridge…. her only appeal are the unusually bouncy boobs… and that’s it.
And you would think since her husband is an athlete she’d be more in shape.
This is fine until it goes full body shot then it shows her total lack of shape and utter flabbiness. She’s got great baps but that’s all she has going for her.
I laugh at these idiots like Dave who think she’s fat. While Dave sits in his grandma’s basement dreaming about a girl that will someday touch his little pee pee, but in reality it will be him touching his own pee pee with a blond wig on his hand, while saying beautiful women like this are out of shape and flabby is somewhat funny and sad at the same time. Poor Dave.
This lady is damn fine. Fuck a man if you want muscle tone. All you virgins who are dissing her would give your right arm just to sniff her panties.
shes not fat, but she is a little dumpy. from the chest up she is perfect, but in the other direction, not. that said, she is still very young, gravity will take its toll at some point but for now, lets enjoy that stunning face & marvelous titties
@Mike What an immature ass you are, someone gives their honest opinion (Dave, who happens to be right) and you attack him. Your attack sounds like you are relating a personal experience (most GROWN men stopped saying pee pee at the age of 13 by the way). Poor, immature Mike
I bet a few of us are .ore toned than she is.
Beautiful gal, wonderful rack; but could exercise at least a little.
I meant to say “are more toned than she is.”
Know what.
How about it just making a pleasant change that she is more natural and not some toned robot off instagram.
How about celebrating that, rather than bitching about a lass that is hotter than most of us would ever get near.
Like her…that would also be refreshing ðŸ¤â€Ã°Å¸ËœËœÃ°Å¸â€“•
Kind of a tanker, but I bet she’s totally OK with it, along with almost everyone else. I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating that whole second turkey dinner!
Seriously Deewok? Most of the guys on here could get much better women than Kate Upton but choose to live with their parents playing video games 😄.
Most of the twats on here would spontaneously combust if they even got a whiff of a burds drawers …ðŸ¤â€Ã°Å¸ËœÂ🙈😆😘🖕
cute face, hall of fame boobs . . . if you’re complaining that she could lose 5 or 10 pounds, shut the fuck up and go set up your grindr profile
White knights, white knights everywhere… “ohh if you don’t like her you’re a gay virgin and live in your mother’s basement stop talking about my imaginary girlfriend because you would never have a chance with her bwuaaaah bwuahhh” grow up, dudes, people have their preferences and will express them… it’s not like you knights will be dating her either…
Don’t give me that white knight nonsense. This isn’t about preferences, it’s about how ridiculous it is for some dork on the net to comment like that on an a-lister who’s also the most sought-after woman on Google. Ignore her if you don’t like her. And yes, it does matter that none of us are ever going to get such a fine piece of female. It’s ludicrous to call a Ferrari worse than a Lambo – as if they had to be built to please you alone – if you can’t afford neither.
^^^^^ Agree completely. While she’s not at the top of my list personally, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Kate Upton’s body. I just laugh at the folks on here who refer to her as “fat”, yet probably LOVE cows like Leanne Crowe, Lucy Vixen, Milly Marks, and Bella Brewer. To each his own!
The commenters here only cringe because she’s not on their arm in the People of Walmart photos.At 25 or thereabouts, is she prematurely showing her age due to lack of exercising ambition? Yes. Has she made enough money to not give a rat’s ass about what the masses think of her? Yes. Am I a white knight? No, I have a MILF I’m happy with. This comment is simply to troll the same dudes complaining about below her tits while fapping to her jiggling chesticles. Call it a hobby. (spelling correction provided by the MILF).
Well, we are all on a blog about boobies. And nobody can say hers are less than amazing.
So we can just leave it at that! (And I’m sorry for my critical comment above.)
Clearly the only time she’s ever gone for a run.
Still…. great tits.
People are allowed to think a woman isn’t ultra super mega hot, chaps. Unless you need to be hot yourself to decide such things?That’s idiotic. The entire basis of attractiveness is subjective, so you’re basically allowing for your OWN opinion to be rendered pointless if someone thinks you aren’t hot.
Don’t need to be a chef to rate a meal.
She’s fit enough to ride my cock while I squeeze those big fat tits.
You guys sound like a bunch of angry women.