A morning with Amber Alena includes coffee, a bath and HUGE TITTIES!!! Pretty similar to my morning actually. Wake up, dog out, shower, coffee, sit down and look at HUGE TITTIES!!!
Pictures from: Brazzers Network
Watch HD video of Amber Alena getting fucked at Brazzers Network – Really good porn!
Where’s the vomit emoji?
LOL she paid for those perfectly round skin coloured beach balls.
Stick a pin in them sweetie, and bring them back down to normal size and natural looking.
Oh no wait! – too late it doesn’t work like that.
Oh well!.
that shit smear around her waist is gawwd awful. that tile in the bathroom is really cool though
shes nothing special, just another generic, replacement level porno girl. her face is her best quality
looks like she tried to use that tat to cover up her pregnancy stretch marks.
personally I’d have rather have seen the stretch marks than that shit – plus, if the marks are really that bad, then there’s not much photoshop won’t cover up.
either way, she’s just another low teir pornster, but at least her tits do both point in the right direction.
She’s a porn star guys, not a supermodel.
In the close-ups, it looks like there’s hair growing out of her nipples. WTF?
Ramps up the yuck factor even more.
Can you lot just fuck off
Your boring me shitless
Wait…what are we boring? Certainly not her.