15 thoughts on “Sophie Howard Naked in Bed!”

  1. Um…. Best photoshoot of anyone, ever?
    Perfect 10 us correct. Face included. Those amazing, British lips…

  2. She’s something alright. First time I ever saw her it was like I went back in time and she stepped right out of my wet dreams.

  3. Glad the photographer took the time to either Photoshop out or pose her so you cant see that gay hand grenade tattoo she has on her side. Or maybe this is an old set. Either way those tits should be bronzed.

  4. A perfect girl with a perfect figure – she’s sorely missed since she retired.

    (Agree about the terrible tattoo though)

  5. Yes,

    One of the best british former page 3 all natural boob stars.

    She once even went full frontal nude, damn tight pussy there & a tiny line of pussy hair.

    She could have gone on to even better things!

    But her over paid footballer boyfriend
    said No,
    So we all lost out exept him of course?


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