Snooki at the Grammy Awards

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi is a contestant on Jersey Shore and for some strange reason she was invited to the Grammy Awards. She is the one who got punched in the face a while back. I don’t think she is very attractive but you can’t deny the size of that rack! Does she show a lot of boobage on the show? I’ve never watched it.

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9 comments on “Snooki at the Grammy Awards”

  1. Amber says:

    Yeah she’s always wearing outfits like that. I don’t really consider cute. JWoww is more my style. You should check the rack on her =)

  2. tc says:

    WHAT A WHORE! Please don’t show again.

  3. Baphomet says:

    What a beast and only one of the cast is actually from New Jersey. They should just name the show The Stereotypes: Season 1 Italians. Intelligence not needed but a need to act stupid and not recognize the fact you are a pitiful excuse for a human being. MTV can then make other seasons making fun of stereotypes of all races. Such quality programming like that will make them lots of money to make more crap. One can only wish for a localized Tsunami to wash them out to sea during the next season. No wait that would just make an eco-disaster with all the makeup and hairspray they wear.

  4. YotaruVegeta says:

    Yeah, TC is right, don’t show whores on Boobie Blog again. Oh, wait, forget that, because then the site would be SHUT DOWN if there weren’t any whores on it.

    She’s a Fidget, but I like tits, so who gives a fuck.

  5. mIke says:

    no reason to post this crap.

  6. Andrew says:

    I already feel like punching her in the face.

  7. Snidely Whiplash says:

    @Baphomet – why so much hate? Snookie and her OompahLoompa cohorts had their 15 minutes of fame.

    Your tirade makes it sound as if you were down on the shore…

  8. Barf Dick says:

    Orange Whore.

  9. HyperHorse says:

    What’s wrong with you guys?? This girl is very spunky…
    I like what i see, and I wouldn’t knock her back…

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