Snake Bite Causing Silicone Poisoning Fatality

I actually posted link to a GIF of this incident but considering that the story has now taken a tragic turn I wanted to talk about it again. When Israeli model and actress Orit Fox who looks like this;

Orit Fox
Natural beauty

decided that it would be a good idea to lick a snake during a photo shoot, the snake saw it as an invitation to return the affection by kissing her boobs. By kissing I mean biting down hard using its fangs:

According to The Sun, the amusing video has now turned slightly tragic. While Orit Fox was treated at a nearby hospital the poor snake has now died from silicone poisoning. One brief look at Orit and its easy to see that the snake didn’t stand a chance. Let’s all pour out a lil’ liquor.


10 thoughts on “Snake Bite Causing Silicone Poisoning Fatality”

  1. That’s a Boa Constrictor. They don’t have fangs. If fact their teeth aren’t even that long. It doesn’t look like it got that good of a grab. I doubt it went deep enough to break an implant. I’ve been bitten many times by Constrictors and it looks a lot worse than it really is.

  2. Also, unless the snake swallowed her boob whole (which we know it did not), it did not ingest any silicone. Snakes do not suck in blood (or silicone) through their fangs–and constrictors don’t even have hollow fangs.

    This all reeks of ridiculous urban legend.

  3. BTW, I just googled Orit Fox to see if that pic above was just a particularly unflattering one. Well, it is, but the better ones aren’t really *that* much better.

    And for those of you who think Violet Erotica has some crazy eyes, do not look this chick up. Orit Fox has some very cold, dead eyes. Creepy.

  4. lost in all this hideousness is the never failing hilarity of the slow-motion slowed down audio replay… of pretty much anything.

    Still gets me laughing.

  5. My first thought was, 1, she looked like that after the snake bit her. and 2nd she died from the snake bite, but itwas completely opposite. nice played on the misleadin post, made me read 😛


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