I think Smokianaaa may have had a minor implant done because those tits look a little too perfect to be real and there is a slight hint of a scar undeneath. Fake or real.. her boobs are fucking amazing!
Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda
I think Smokianaaa may have had a minor implant done because those tits look a little too perfect to be real and there is a slight hint of a scar undeneath. Fake or real.. her boobs are fucking amazing!
fake tits, still nice but fake tits
im not certain those are implants. either way, who cares? those are fucking beautiful. so perky with some hershey kiss nipples.
these are infinitely better than the fat floppers we usually get
MEH – My GF looks like Ashlynn Peaks, but about 20 lbs lighter. The one doesn’t do it for me.